Organization of professional communication in social work




communication, professional communication, technologies, forms, directions, possibilities, mediation, supervision


The article analyzes the key concepts of "communication" and "professional communication" from the point of view of an activity approach, because communication not only activates the consciousness of the subject, but also provides rational knowledge regarding the choice of social goals and means of their achievement. The specificity of the social work specialist's communicative activity is determined, which is aimed at changing individuals, groups and other social systems, at the development of one's own personality, colleagues and clients. The analysis of communication technologies taking place in social work is shown. The peculiarities of the communicative potential of social work, the improvement of the efficiency of professional communication, the identification of signs of communication in social work in the conditions of the information society, the identification of the most demanded mechanisms of interaction, the clarification of new functions and professional roles of social workers are analyzed. The need to update the principles and methods of communicative activity in social work, the approval of new communication technologies in accordance with the dynamics of social relations, the level of development of technical capabilities and the needs of modern society are substantiated.

Special attention is paid to Internet communication, its advantages and limitations, problems and prospects of using the latest communication technologies are determined. Emphasis is placed on the system of social assistance, which does not always respond to the challenges of the times in a timely manner. One of the reasons for this situation is that the communicative potential of social work, which includes the development, adaptation, and implementation of various technologies for organizing professional interaction in social work, is insufficiently researched and used. New studies of the possibilities of organization and directions of development of professional communication in the activity of a specialist in the social sphere in modern conditions are considered

Author Biographies

Mariana Hryntsiv, Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University

PhD, Senior Lecturer

Department of Social Pedagogy and Correctional Education

Igor Zubrytskyi, Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Social Pedagogy and Correctional Education


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How to Cite

Hryntsiv, M., & Zubrytskyi, I. (2024). Organization of professional communication in social work. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (2(59), 18–23.



Pedagogical Education