Analysis of the effectiveness of the methodology for designing a cloud-oriented distance learning environment for biology in informal education conditions




cloud-oriented environment, distance learning of biology, design methodology, factor-criterion model


The article contains an analysis of research on the design of a cloud-oriented environment for distance learning of biology, teachers' experience in designing cloud-oriented environments contributes to the development of distance learning forms in general secondary education institutions and the widespread implementation of electronic tools in educational practice. When organizing distance learning in natural sciences, it is necessary to take into account the platform's capabilities and services for developing students' natural-science thinking, conducting observations, laboratory and practical experiments, implementing experimental tasks. The combination of cloud services and methods of distance learning in biology allows visualization of biological processes, the research-oriented nature of activities, organizing research projects on a single platform, using media resources, interactive simulators, integrating virtual content with the physical environment, and using programs for quality knowledge monitoring. The aim of the study is to develop a methodology for teachers to design a cloud-oriented educational environment for distance learning of biology for students in informal education conditions, testing its effectiveness based on the results of evaluation using a factor-criterion model, and developing recommendations for improving the qualifications of teachers in designing cloud-oriented environments in informal education conditions. Theoretical and empirical methods were applied to achieve the set goal, involving the study of previous research in the field of designing distance educational environments and the integration of cloud services into the educational process. Mathematical statistical methods were used to analyze the results of the survey of teachers from the focus group. The effectiveness of the developed methodology was tested using a factor-criterion model, which includes four factors: organizational, methodological, procedural, and content. Expert assessment of the effectiveness of the methodology revealed that the effectiveness of designing a cloud-oriented environment for distance learning of biology by biology teachers in general secondary education institutions, who participated in the focus group, is 0.79, indicating a high level

Author Biographies

Nataliia Vodopian, Institute of Digitalization of Education National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine

PhD Student

Svitlana Lytvynova, Institute of Digitalization of Education National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Deputy Director for Research


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How to Cite

Vodopian, N., & Lytvynova, S. (2024). Analysis of the effectiveness of the methodology for designing a cloud-oriented distance learning environment for biology in informal education conditions. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (2(59), 10–17.



Pedagogical Education