Media educational approach to forming information literacy of lyceum students in Ukrainian language lessons




information literacy, media education approach to learning the Ukrainian language, media education principles


The article describes one of the current educational problems - the formation of information literacy of students in the process of learning the Ukrainian language based on the media education approach. The approach to learning was considered as a basic category that determines the further direction of learning the native language and the choice of the method of its implementation in further school practice. The article specifies the definition of "information literacy". The task of media education for the educational process is defined. The importance of using media texts in the educational process was emphasized. The goals, set for information literacy, are indicated. Theoretical research methods were used, which helped to more thoroughly investigate the aspects of the media educational approach to the formation of information literacy of a young language personality. Within the framework of the media education approach, the types of educational works are described. The general trends of modern times in the aspect of development and integrated implementation of the media approach to the subject of school education, which positively affects the content of education, are taken into account. The vector of this research is focused on the works of Ukrainian scientists. The peculiarities of studying the Ukrainian language on the basis of the media education approach are characterized. The principles of the formation of information literacy of students in the process of learning the Ukrainian language are outlined, which can ensure effective interaction of high school students with the modern media system and information resources. A number of works by foreign researchers were analyzed in order to describe how to correctly implement the media education process in Ukrainian language classes. There are several methods that should be used within the media education approach. It is taken into account that the ability to use various technologies and media means in the educational process is a significant advantage and progress in pedagogical activity. The importance of the development of the teachers themselves in the direction of technology is emphasized

Author Biography

Svitlana Bainyashova, Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University

PhD Student

Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology and Journalism


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How to Cite

Bainyashova, S. (2024). Media educational approach to forming information literacy of lyceum students in Ukrainian language lessons. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (2(59), 35–39.



Pedagogical Education