Justification of the need to develop professional competence in future officers





professional competence, future officers, observation method, survey, formation of professional competence


The article examines the concept of professional competence and establishes that this concept does not have an unambiguous definition. In this regard, we decided to consider it as a basic characteristic of a personality. Professional competence consists of a set of knowledge, skills and abilities that allow one to perform professional duties effectively and efficiently. It has been established that the professional competence of future officers implies the availability of a wide range of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for the effective performance of military tasks and responsible decision-making in any conditions. It includes not only an understanding of military strategy and tactics, but also the ability to lead, manage personnel, make strategic decisions and resolve critical situations. The results of the analysis of the educational process of future officers of higher military educational institutions have shown that there are discrepancies between their training and the real experience they gain in full-scale military conflicts, in particular, in the field of engineering support of the National Guard of Ukraine. These discrepancies can have a significant impact on the life and health of military personnel. An empirical study was conducted to confirm the hypothesis that there are such discrepancies between the training of future officers and their actual experience in the field of engineering support of the National Guard of Ukraine. For this purpose, the methods of observation and survey were used. Based on the results of the empirical study, we can note that the training of officers needs to be adapted to modern realities and challenges. In order to achieve a high level of professional competence of future officers, it is necessary to introduce innovative technologies and teaching methods into the educational process. The issue of professional competence development is extremely relevant, especially in the context of future officers, since the security of our borders and the sovereignty of the state depend on their professional skills

Author Biographies

Olha Yesipova, National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine


Scientific and Organisational Department

Evgenij Goncharov, National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine

Senior Lecturer

Department of Tactics


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How to Cite

Yesipova, O., & Goncharov, E. (2024). Justification of the need to develop professional competence in future officers. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (2(59), 46–49. https://doi.org/10.15587/2519-4984.2024.304579



Pedagogical Education