Formation of professional competence in students of industry mechanical engineering specialties at chemistry tuition




distance learning, chemistry, tests, teaching methods, professional competence, knowledge diagnosis


The peculiarities of chemical education in training future specialists of the machine-building industry in the conditions of distance learning were considered. The need to update the content and quality of chemistry education based on a competency-based approach according to its structure was founded. A thorough review of the created distance course "1M Chemistry " and the algorithm for the formation of competencies in it according to Bloom's taxonomy, i.e. according to six main categories: knowledge, understanding, application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation were provided. The relevance of a purposeful, competent approach to the teaching of chemical material for the students of the Faculty of Mechanics and the importance of an emphasis in the distance chemistry course on the practical orientation of education, a combination of informational and problem-based methods of teaching the material were shown. Package of test tasks and calculation tasks of various levels of complexity were developed for the formation of the competence to analyze and evaluate. The role of independent work of students as a separate element of the distance course for the formation of higher-order cognitive skills that allow students to work at a creative level was proven. An analysis of students' assimilation of theoretical material and the ability to apply theoretical knowledge to solve problems of different levels of complexity was carried out. A diagram of students' qualitative success according to different types of knowledge diagnosis was presented. The ability of students to establish the correspondence between theoretical knowledge and the ability to apply it practically was assessed. Organizational and pedagogical conditions that allow the effective formation of professional competences when teaching chemistry in a technical university of a non-chemical profile were determined. The possibility of improving chemical education of students due to the development of educational and methodological materials in the distance course, which create an opportunity not only to form a system of subject skills and abilities, but also to carry out a qualitative diagnosis of the acquired knowledge in the discipline, was shown. Provision of effective teaching of chemistry based on new information and educational technologies and a modern strategy for effective training of qualified personnel were implemented

Author Biography

Lilya Egorova, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Сhemistry and Сhemical Тechnology


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How to Cite

Egorova, L. (2024). Formation of professional competence in students of industry mechanical engineering specialties at chemistry tuition. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (2(59), 40–45.



Pedagogical Education