The problems of training future teachers of vocational education in the context of post-war economic recovery in Ukraine




Post-war recovery, vocational education, entrepreneurial competence, competence approach, entrepreneurship, self-employment


The research analyzed the key issues of preparing future vocational education teachers for the economic recovery of Ukraine, particularly emphasizing the relevance and necessity of ensuring the economic component of their pedagogical training for the further development of entrepreneurial competence of students in vocational education, which will meet the state's needs during the post-war period in qualified specialists and workers. In the process of scientific research, a set of problems of preparing future vocational education teachers for professional activities in the context of post-war recovery of Ukraine was identified, particularly emphasizing the need for systematic updating of the content of pedagogical training taking into account the socio-economic factors that influence the labor market and determine the content of economic components of educational programs in vocational education. The research utilized methods such as analysis of scientific-pedagogical and socio-economic literature, periodicals, monographs; study of state standards, legislation in the field of education, qualification frameworks, concepts of competency-based approach, strategies for post-war recovery, etc., systematization of research results; interviews with specialists from the Ministry of Education, teachers in vocational education, educators and masters; pedagogical observations, and more. The author identified and justified the relevance of a number of key issues in preparing future teachers in preliminary higher and vocational education considering the economic component of pedagogical training, and also planned perspectives for further research on the readiness of future teachers to carry out their professional activities at the sufficient level, taking into account the modern requirements of the labor market for qualified specialists and workers, as well as the socio-economic factors in the country during the period of post-war recovery

Author Biography

Nataliia Tykhonova, State Higher Educational Institution "Donbas State Pedagogical University"

PhD Student


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How to Cite

Tykhonova, N. (2024). The problems of training future teachers of vocational education in the context of post-war economic recovery in Ukraine. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (2(59), 79–84.



Pedagogical Education