Stages of formation of artistic skills of art students




artistic skills, stages of formation of artistic skills, art teacher


The author's elaboration of the stages of formation of artistic and visual skills of students of higher education institutions in the process of creative activity is disclosed and presented in the article for general consideration. The analysis of scientific, psychological-pedagogical and educational-methodical achievements of scientists was carried out in order to specify the content of the concept of "skill", classification of types and stages of the process of formation of skills. The subject of our research "artistic skills" is presented on the basis of thorough theoretical studies of scientists, the idea of ​​the concept of professional and artistic skills of fine art teachers is expanded, a generalization is made regarding the diversity of their types, to which we include artistic-technical, artistic-methodical, artistic-workshop and artistic - visual skills, which are also divided into their own subspecies. In the process of scientific research, the concept of psychological and pedagogical foundations of "formation of artistic skills" and the "exercise" method of generalizing its types and kinds were considered. A list of effective means of the system of educational tasks for art students of higher educational institutions is proposed for consideration, namely, technical methods and techniques in working with soft materials, such as: method - hatching, extinguishing, mixing colors, etc.; technique - side shading, shading, dry washing, wet brush, pen and others. Based on modern theoretical and scientific developments and conceptual ideas of scientists regarding the procedure of "formation of artistic skills", relying on our own professional experience, we reveal the essence and expediency of each of the six stages: organizational, diagnostic, analytical, systematic, synthetic and automation. In accordance with the presented stages, goals, tasks, methods, ways, rules, advantages and disadvantages of their application in practice are determined. The formation of students' artistic skills is due to the use of a number of appropriate methods: scientifically pedagogical - organizational, communicative, instruction, demonstration, illustration, explanation, master class, research, control, verification, current, forecasting, competition, observation and evaluation; personally developed artistic and technical methods that contribute to the effective and rapid mastering of the specifics of performing new technical actions by students in artistic educational activities - "experimental-diagnostic", "differential-constructive", "constructive division", "constructive combination", "holistic-constructive" ", "variable-interval"

Author Biography

Anna Voloshenko, Dragomanov Ukrainian State University

PhD Student

Department of Fine Arts


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How to Cite

Voloshenko, A. (2024). Stages of formation of artistic skills of art students. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (3(60), 10–17.



Pedagogical Education