Use of digital technologies in the preparation of future geography teachers for continuous professional development




digital technologies, teacher training, future teachers of geography, continuing professional development


The article examines the features, development and gradual introduction of digital technologies in the preparation of future geography teachers for continuous professional development. It has been determined that the effectiveness of the use of digital technologies in the training of future geography teachers largely depends on how methodologically competent and pedagogically justified their inclusion in the structure of educational components of educational and professional programs in the specialty 014.07 Secondary Education (Geography) was. It has been established that higher education institutions are increasingly paying attention to the use of digital technologies in the preparation of future geography teachers for continuous professional development. The article examines the use of digital technologies in the preparation of future geography teachers for continuing professional development. Attention is focused on the use of digital technologies in geography lessons, where they are especially useful for reproducing visual and sound effects that help to better understand and memorize the material. Modern methods and tools that help to improve the effectiveness of the educational process and the development of teachers' professional competencies are described.

The advantages of integrating digital resources into the educational process are analyzed. The possibilities of using digital technologies in geography lessons in order to form future geography teachers' readiness for continuous professional development in order to increase the efficiency of the educational process and engage students in active learning are investigated. The influence of digital technologies on the formation of independent learning skills, critical thinking and information literacy is considered. Recommendations for further improving the pedagogical training of future geography teachers using innovative technologies are proposed. Advice on the use of digital technologies in the preparation of future geography teachers for continuous professional development, in particular, on updating the content of educational and professional programs in the specialty 014.07 Secondary Education (Geography) is given

Author Biography

Volodymyr Nosachenko, Hryhorii Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Ecology, Geography and Teaching Methods


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How to Cite

Nosachenko, V. (2024). Use of digital technologies in the preparation of future geography teachers for continuous professional development. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (3(60), 34–39.



Pedagogical Education