A problem-based approach in the formation of the self-educational competence of schoolchildren (based on the use of digital technology resources)





self-educational competence of schoolchildren, problem-based approach, digital technologies, tasks, individual work


The article reveals the possibilities of the problem-based approach in solving the problem of the formation of the self-educational competence of schoolchildren. Various ways of influencing the development of their self-educational competence through the preparation of specially selected tasks are offered in lessons, in homework and in individual work with schoolchildren. It is substantiated that in lessons it is expedient from the point of view of the formation of self-educational competence to use typical tasks similar to typical tasks for independent work and creative tasks. It is shown that the use of educational, training and research tasks is productive for organizing homework. It has been revealed that in individual work it will be effective to perform preparatory, trial, basic tasks. At the same time, it has been proven that all the specified types of tasks involve the active use of digital technologies, which will allow for effective organization of educational activities, improve the motivation and cognitive interest of schoolchildren, ensure individualization of learning and create prerequisites for the development of independence of schoolchildren. In lessons, it is advisable to use simple digital applications, digital resources for creating your own content, digital activity environments and digital resources for online communication. It is effective to use digital resources-sources of educational information, tools for self-monitoring and self-diagnosis, as well as resources for creating your own digital content in homework. Digital resources-sources of information, tools for self-monitoring and self-diagnosis, digital activity environments and resources for personalized learning are useful for the individual work of schoolchildren.

The article examines the potential of the problem-based approach to the formation of the self-educational competence of schoolchildren. The main components of self-educational competence are considered, namely: motivational-value, substantive-procedural and control-reflective. The impact of the problem-based approach on the development of each of these components is analyzed. It has been determined that the problem-based approach helps to increase students' motivation to study, stimulates their cognitive activity and develops critical thinking

Author Biography

Iryna Maistriuk, H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University

PhD Student

Department of Education and Innovative Pedagogy


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How to Cite

Maistriuk, I. (2024). A problem-based approach in the formation of the self-educational competence of schoolchildren (based on the use of digital technology resources). ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (3(60), 27–33. https://doi.org/10.15587/2519-4984.2024.310380



Pedagogical Education