The problem of quality of qualified professional teacher training in Turkey




autonomy, teacher, content, qualification, competency, educational program, training, professional training, standards, quality, Turkey


The education system of Ukraine is at the stage of European integration changes and internal modernization processes. The characteristic trends of this period are the realization of one's own national experience, its comparison with European and world traditions, as well as the need to analyze and highlight the most effective progressive ideas and advanced concepts that exist in the world space, the possibility of their adaptation to the needs of national education. Therefore, institutions of higher education must train qualified teachers, creative, possessing a high level of pedagogical skills, realizing their own autonomy and capable of developing original solutions. The novelty of the problematics of the studied topic is that the problem of the quality of professional training of a qualified teacher in Turkey has not yet found a comprehensive reflection and systematic generalization in the Ukrainian scientific and pedagogical discourse. Therefore, the goal of the study was to formulate the problem of the quality of professional training of a qualified teacher in Turkey. To implement the goals and objectives of scientific research, the authors relied on the following materials and methods of scientific research: 1) theoretical – analysis of scientific databases, electronic repositories of institutions of higher education, scientific institutions and libraries where dissertation abstracts, scientific publications and other scientific works are stored; systematization and generalization of research results; 2) empirical – conversations, correspondence with Turkish scientists and university professors; pedagogical supervision. The authors formulated the problem of the quality of training of a qualified teacher, which is a widely discussed problem for many years in the world and in Turkey itself, which proves the need to rethink the definition and boundaries of the teaching profession. On the basis of the generalization and systematization of the obtained results, the authors formulated the concept of "qualified teacher" – this is a novice teacher who has successfully completed training on an accredited educational program of initial teacher training. Scientific and practical recommendations on the use of constructive ideas of the Turkish experience to improve the quality of teacher training in the system of continuous pedagogical education of Ukraine are substantiated

Author Biography

Nadiia Postryhach, Ivan Ziaziun Institute of Pedagogical Education and Adult Education of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine

Doctor of Science in Education, Senior Researcher, Senior Research Assistant

Department of Foreign Pedagogical and Adult Education Systems


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How to Cite

Postryhach, N. (2024). The problem of quality of qualified professional teacher training in Turkey. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (3(60), 40–46.



Pedagogical Education