Folk games as a tool of formation of artistic and creative competence of primary school children in music classes




folk game, competence, art, game, independence, role, host, plot, dance, ritual game, dramatization


The article describes the features of acquiring artistic and creative competence, as a child's elementary awareness of the specifics of art forms (artistic and productive, musical, theatrical); valuable attitude to art and artistic activity, the desire to perceive folklore art. Folkloric forms of the heritage of Ukrainian culture are considered. Teaching and methodical material and practical recommendations are offered, which in music classes will be useful both to experienced teachers of preschool institutions and to those workers who are starting to work with the smallest brains.

Normative documents in the field of preschool education were studied and play competence was considered as a child's ability to free, emotionally saturated, spontaneous activity on his/her own initiative, in which the possibility of applying existing and assimilating new knowledge and personal development is realized due to the child's desire to participate in the life of adults through the realization of interests in game and role-playing actions in a generalized form.

The necessity of using folk games for the formation of artistic and creative competence in preschool children is substantiated. Peculiarities of knowledge of the surrounding world of preschool children and themselves in it are determined.

The work proposes to create a basis for the natural formation and development of musical abilities in preschoolers through a folk game by encouraging children to play folk games. It has been emphasized that raising children is based on love and respect for Ukrainian musical folklore.

The secrets of conducting music classes using folk games and working with preschoolers are recommended to teachers of primary schools, music teachers, teachers of children's vocal ensembles of extracurricular and club institutions, scientists, graduate students, students of pedagogical and art educational institutions, parents and the general public

Author Biographies

Olena Karpenko, Municipal Institution "Pisochyn Primary School "Nadia" of Pisochyn Settlement Council" of Kharkiv Region


Tetiana Yurchenko, Municipal Institution "Pisochyn Primary School "Nadia" of Pisochyn Settlement Council" of Kharkiv Region

Music Manager


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How to Cite

Karpenko, O., & Yurchenko, T. (2024). Folk games as a tool of formation of artistic and creative competence of primary school children in music classes. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (3(60), 54–59.



Pedagogical Education