Pedagogical conditions for developing the readiness of master's degree applicants for intercultural interaction in the process of professional (piano) training




pedagogic conditions, readiness, interaction, intercultural interaction, master's degree, applicant of higher education, professional (piano) training


The article defines and characterizes the pedagogical conditions for forming the readiness of master's degree applicants for intercultural interaction in the process of professional (piano) training. It is emphasized that the tasks of the modern professional training of the applicants of the piano master's degree are not only to ensure a high level of professional knowledge of students, but also their practical preparation for social life and self-realization as an individual. It is emphasized that the humanization of the process of formation of the readiness for intercultural interaction in applicants of the professional master's degree implies the use of the latest technologies, active teaching methods, which would form the motives of educational and artistic activity, contribute to the discovery and development of the creative potential of the education applicant, self-realization of his/her personality; included in the process of learning the sphere of emotions, contributed to the development of cooperation. It has been proven that in the process of forming value orientations in the conditions of a multicultural artistic and educational environment, individual support of piano master's students is successfully implemented through individual counseling, creation of a positive moral and psychological climate in classes, mentoring support of the artistic and educational process, building an individual educational trajectory. Considering the formation and transformation of music-pedagogical and artistic-aesthetic paradigms in the system of modern music education, it is emphasized that the change in the paradigm of music education involves a shift of emphasis from the development in applicants of a complex of special knowledge, abilities and skills, focused on the formation of professional multicultural competence in the conditions of intercultural interaction, which allows us to interpret the artistic and educational space as a unity of creative personalities, united by channels of musical communication, who feel a sense of empathy for each other, mutual interest, are capable of active creative joint activity, overcoming interaction problems, creating a cross-cultural space

Author Biography

Ishtvan Kentesh, Mukachevo State University

PhD Student

Department Pedagogy of Preschool, Primary Education and Educational Management


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How to Cite

Kentesh, I. (2024). Pedagogical conditions for developing the readiness of master’s degree applicants for intercultural interaction in the process of professional (piano) training. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (3(60), 66–70.



Pedagogical Education