Results of the implementation of the model of scientific and methodological system of training future primary school teachers to organize a safety-oriented educational environment under conditions of risks




pedagogical modeling, professional training, future primary school teachers, safety-oriented educational environment, risks, health, safety


The article is devoted to the problem of professional training of future primary school teachers to organize a safety-oriented educational environment under conditions of risks in the context of reforming the educational system in Ukraine and taking into account global changes in all the spheres of human life, challenges, risks, and threats. The purpose of the article is to highlight the results of the experimental testing of the implementation of a model of a scientific and methodological system for the professional training of future primary school teachers to organize a safety-oriented educational environment under conditions of risks, which is due to the need to ensure quality primary education without endangering the life and health of all participants in the educational process, taking into account modern educational risks and threats. The implementation of the model involved updating psychological and pedagogical approaches, content, and theoretical and methodological substantiation of the professional training of future primary school teachers for this type of activity. The result of the model implementation is the formation of the readiness of future primary school teachers to organize a safety-oriented educational environment under conditions of risks. The diagnostic tools for experimental verification of the results of the model implementation are determined. The effectiveness of the implementation of the model of the scientific and methodological system of professional training of future primary school teachers for the organization of a safety-oriented educational environment under conditions of risks, which is presented in the results of the pedagogical experiment and is reflected in a statistically significant decrease in the proportion of future teachers with a low level of readiness to organize a safety-oriented educational environment under conditions of risks compared to the ascertaining stage of the study against the background of a significant increase in the proportion of future teachers with high  and middle levels of readiness to organize a safety-oriented educational environment under conditions of risks, is proved.

Author Biographies

Nataliia Naumenko, H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Human Health, Rehabilitation and Special Psychology

Maryna Nessonova, Private Higher Educational Institution «Kharkiv International Medical University»

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of General Scientific Disciplines


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How to Cite

Naumenko, N., & Nessonova, M. (2024). Results of the implementation of the model of scientific and methodological system of training future primary school teachers to organize a safety-oriented educational environment under conditions of risks. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (4(61), 12–21.



Pedagogical Education