Components of professional culture of the future manager of organizations




management, specialist, competence, professional activity, values, professional culture of manager


In the article was analyzed the content of the notions “manager” and “professional culture of manager”. According to the results of literary sources were separated the components of the professional culture of the future manager such as: personal, cognitive, active. It was noted, that the personal component of professional culture includes the value attitude of the person to the chosen profession, values common to all mankind and the ones of professional self-realization, readiness to demonstration of the personal initiative and the further professional growth, moral qualities of the person, assessment of the own professional-cultural activity through the prism of high moral qualities, cultural values and norms. Cognitive component of the professional culture of the future managers includes the acquisition of the basic general cultural and specific professional knowledge, technology of its use in the professional activity, understanding of the norms of the moral and ethic behavior, ethics of business communication, understanding of the methods of self-analysis and adequate self-assessment, methods and ways of self-development and self-education. The active component of professional culture of the future managers includes the ability to practical realization of the acquired theoretical knowledge, compliance with the moral-ethic norms in society and in professional activity, self-analysis of the own professional activity and development of professional culture, finding of the ways to self-improvement and realization of the needs for self-realization in profession. Professional culture of the future manager of organizations is defined by the integral index of his professional competence in the field of management that determines the most foreground ways of professional activity realization, represents his professional direction determining the attitude of specialist to the professional activity on the base of understanding of its importance as the state, public and personal value

Author Biography

Тетяна Миколаївна Глушман, SHEІ "University Education Management" 52-a Artema str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 04053

Senior Lecturer

Department of Economics and Management Personnel


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How to Cite

Глушман, Т. М. (2016). Components of professional culture of the future manager of organizations. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (5 (1), 8–13.



Pedagogical Education