Experience of teachers of kherson province in second half of XXI – early XX century in the context of art education development





pedagogical activity, art education, esthetic education, national creation, graphic grammar


The modern problems of art education development in educational institutions are familiar to the ones that were solved in the second part of ХІХ – early ХХ centuries. The necessity of creative generalization of historical native experience of the teachers of the past causes the interest to studying the scientific and creative contribution of the famous native scientists, theorists and practicians in the art education development. In the article author aims at the elucidation of the experience of the teachers from the Kherson region of the second half of ХІХ – early ХХ centuries as the background of improvement of art education in the modern socio-cultural conditions. By the way of retrospective analysis of archival and scientific sources the node personalities of art education of South of Ukraine were defined; their methodical approaches to the art education were defined. As the result of analysis of the works of the teachers of Kherson province were learned persons who disseminated the ideas that had the progressive impact on the pedagogical thought development of the end of ХІХ – early ХХ century: I. Derkachev, M. Korf, M. Lange, O. Muzichenko, M. Pirogov, Y. Chepiga and the others. The contribution of each person in the art education development of the South of Ukraine of the aforesaid period was defined. It was established that scientists who proved the necessity of reformation of the school education paid attention to the fact that art education of the child is the obligatory component of educational process and the knowledge of graphic grammar helps to the pupils to understand the surrounding world better, favors the intensive development of thinking, develops the esthetic taste. The scientists paid attention to the necessity of art education as the component of educational process and the knowledge of graphic grammar helps to the pupils to understand the surrounding world better, favors the intensive development of thinking, develops the esthetic taste. The author proves that Ukraine has some experience of organization of art education that favors the critical understanding and creative use of heritage of progressive native teachers-artists

Author Biography

Зоя Владиславівна Гуріч, Institute of Pedagogical and Adult Education NAPS of Ukraine 9 M. Berlin str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 04060

Member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine

Department of detention and adult learning techniques


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How to Cite

Гуріч, З. В. (2016). Experience of teachers of kherson province in second half of XXI – early XX century in the context of art education development. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (5 (1), 14–19. https://doi.org/10.15587/2519-4984.2016.70203



Pedagogical Education