Features of organization activities of social pedagogue with marginalized schoolchildren


  • Беата Анна Казимеж Земба Institute Of Pedagogy, Department Of Social Pedagogy University of Rzeszow St. Al. Reitan 16 C, 35-959, Rzeszow, Poland., Poland




social worker, marginalized schoolchild, organization activity of social pedagogue, educational institution, social and educational activity, social formation, social development


The article explains the topicality of comprehensive social and pedagogical work with marginalized schoolchildren. It identifies the reasons for marginal behaviour of school-age children. The article observes the absence of comprehensive social and pedagogical work with marginalized children, which has a negative impact on the way it is organised as well as on the forms, methods and content, and, therefore, on quality and effectiveness. It is found that the process of development of social and pedagogical work with marginalized schoolchildren consists of two stages: the first stage is the formation of an innovative team and development of a program of certain actions; the second stage is about immediate implementation of social and pedagogical work with marginalized schoolchildren. The article highlights the directions of professional work of the social teacher with children. It covers the structure of work of the social teacher with marginalized schoolchildren, which depends on a number of factors and includes three stages of implementation of actions, functions, conditions, and performance criteria. The article concludes that it is necessary to do social and pedagogical work with the unity of all of its structural components

Author Biography

Беата Анна Казимеж Земба, Institute Of Pedagogy, Department Of Social Pedagogy University of Rzeszow St. Al. Reitan 16 C, 35-959, Rzeszow, Poland.



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How to Cite

Земба, Б. А. К. (2016). Features of organization activities of social pedagogue with marginalized schoolchildren. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (5 (1), 31–36. https://doi.org/10.15587/2519-4984.2016.70210



Pedagogical Education