Using the experience of individualization of the US higher education in Ukraine




, individualization of education content, USA, higher education of Ukraine, master of applied linguistics


Introduction. The new pedagogical paradigm of reformation of the higher education includes the search for the ways of guaranteeing of the maximally individualized content of educational programs that allows every student to receive the unique education. In the base of the correspondent methodology can be the principles of humanistic psychology and comparative analysis of the features of the higher education individualization in the different countries.

Aim of research – to ground the possible directions of individualization of the content of MA program on the specialty “applied linguistics” on the base of American experience and to understand the students’ attitude to the offered innovations.

Results. The comparative analysis of educational programs in Ukraine and USA allowed reveal the features of individualization of the content of education of the masters of applied linguistics. On the base of revealed features of the content of educational programs was carried out the study of the students and graduate masters’ attitude to the introduction of such innovations in Ukraine.

Conclusions. The most respondents find the content of educational programs insufficient and support the offered innovations in their content formation: individual approach to the learning disciplines formation; personal participation in the educational programs creation; possibility to choose a certain number of disciplines; choice of specialization within the specialty

Author Biographies

Олександр Петрович Лещинський, Cherkassy State Technological University 460 Shevchenko boul., Cherkassy, Ukraine, 18006

Doctor of pedagogical science, Professor

Department of General Ecology, Pedagogy and Psychology

Людмила Іванівна Білик, Cherkassy State Technological University 460 Shevchenko boul., Cherkassy, Ukraine, 18006

Doctor of pedagogical science, Professor

Department of General Ecology, Pedagogy and Psychology

Інгріда Альгімантівна Чемерис, Cherkassy State Technological University 460 Shevchenko boul., Cherkassy, Ukraine, 18006

Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of General Ecology, Pedagogy and Psychology


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How to Cite

Лещинський, О. П., Білик, Л. І., & Чемерис, І. А. (2016). Using the experience of individualization of the US higher education in Ukraine. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (5 (1), 62–67.



Pedagogical Education