The role of rhetoric in the processes of humanization and humanitarization of modern school education




rhetoric, humanism, humanization, humanitarization, spirituality, humanitarian culture of person, humanitarisn person


In the article is considered the question of determination of the role and place of rhetoric in the processes of humanization and humanitarization of the modern school education in the context of theoretical-methodological grounding of the study of introduction of rhetorical component in the process of teaching language. There were defined logical-sense parameters of the categories “humanism”, “neo-humanism”, “humanization”, “humanitarization”, established the relation between humanization and humanitarization (humanitarization can be considered as a procedural characteristic of humanization; humanizations manifest itself as a strategy of educational process and humanitarization as a tactics). The attention was accented on the role of rhetoric in overcoming of dualism of the natural and humanitarian knowledge and correspondent types of thinking and worldview. There was grounded a potential of rhetoric in formation of humanitarian paradigm of spirituality, humanitarian culture of the person, humanitarian person through organization of the learning process as dialogical one; on the base of responsibility of the teacher, who actualizes and develops in him- herself the qualities and features of humanitarian person. The learning of rhetoric through the system of seven rhetorical laws manifest itself as a technology of humanization and humanitarization, correspondingly, technology of humanization and humanitarization can be realized by the means of rhetoric. The modern rhetoric is presented as a factor in provision of humanitarian development of mankind

Author Biography

Володимир Анатолійович Нищета, Kherson State University Universitetskaya str., 27, Kherson, Ukraine, 73000

Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor

Department of Linguistics


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How to Cite

Нищета, В. А. (2016). The role of rhetoric in the processes of humanization and humanitarization of modern school education. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (8 (4), 10–17.



Pedagogical Education