Investigation of stages of secret education organization in poland during World War II




World War II, Poland, occupation, secret education organization, development, periodization


The article deals with the problem of secret education incipience and its periodization in Poland during World War II. The periodization of secret polish education has been defined: the first stage (1939–1941) – the origin of secret education and its further formation; the second stage (1941–1944) – the intensive development of secret education; the third stage (1944– 1945) – the cessation of secret education. During the first stage the focus is made on the Nazi policy aimed at establishing control over educational and cultural life of the Polish, which causes the appearance of secret education. The second stage of secret education highlights the activity of Polish educational organizations, which are known to have been the main financial sources of secret education as well as the contribution of pedagogical staff to the enlargement of secret teaching in educational establishments of all levels. The third stage determined as the cessation of secret education is characterized by its transformation due to the change of political regime in the country

Author Biography

Олена Василівна Давиденко, Nizhyn Gogol State University Hrafska str., 2, Nizhyn, Ukraine, 16600

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, teacher

Department of the English Language and Teaching Methods 


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How to Cite

Давиденко, О. В. (2016). Investigation of stages of secret education organization in poland during World War II. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (9 (5), 21–25.



Pedagogical Education