Formation of the younger schoolchildren’s text-creating skills at the learning of the verb




speaking activity, verb, description, element of action, text, text-creating skills


The article is devoted to the revelation of the process of formation of text-creating skills in younger schoolchildren at the learning of the verb. The content of the notion “text” was defined and scientifically grounded in the study as a method of development of literary speaking at the primary school. The article considers methodological aspects of the content of morphological notion “verb” as the language unit in the course of studying Ukrainian. The analysis of scientific-methodological literature and learning practice testifies that the verb is the one of most important parts of language that expresses the action of subject from the way, type, time and place of realization. In the process of analysis of the mechanisms of language-speaking material the effective formation of text-creating skills was detected. According to the determination of dynamics of experimental study effectiveness, it can be stated, that the work, carried out in experimental classes, had a positive and qualitative influence on text-creation at the learning of the verb

Author Biography

Анна Володимирівна Гамза, Rivne State University of Humanities Stepana Bandery str., 12, Rivne, Ukraine, 33028

Postgraduate student

Department of theory and methods of primary education


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How to Cite

Гамза, А. В. (2016). Formation of the younger schoolchildren’s text-creating skills at the learning of the verb. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (10 (6), 10–13.



Pedagogical Education