Justification of the model of professional-pedagogical training of future agronomists-researchers





model, professional-pedagogical training, agronomist-researcher, components of the model, agrarian higher educational institution


The system of Ukrainian higher education system at its reformation needs the training of professionally and socially mobile specialist, who has the deep professional knowledge, economic and legal one, is able to the social creativity, self-improvement, is ready to the work at the different forms of labor organization, labor and production conditions under the competition in own direction. That is why the problem of training of agronomists-researchers to the future professional-pedagogical activity is an important subject of this study too. But the high level of professional training of the future specialists is impossible without the proper teaching model.

To solve this problem it was offered the model of process of professional training of agronomists-researchers. At the same time the aim of research is to separate and characterize the components of aforesaid model.

Arguing the model of professional-pedagogical training of agronomists-researchers in agrarian universities there was carried out the modeling of studied process on the base of practically oriented approach that favored the understanding of the main theoretical, methodological and methodical positions of professional-pedagogical training of agronomists-researchers in agrarian HEI. Determination and structurization of the components (aim, organizational-pedagogical conditions, didactic complex, professional-pedagogical competences of agronomists-researchers) of the model allowed model the logically successive process of professional-pedagogical training of agronomists-researchers in the system of staged agrarian education. The grounding of the components of the model widened the deeper understanding of the possibilities of agrarian education and determined the activity vectors just in the context of professional-pedagogical training of agronomists-researchers.

The approximation of elaborated model to the requirements of modern agrarian education gave the possibility to offer the variant of practical realization of professional-pedagogical training of agronomists-researchers within the existent legal support.

The grounding of the model of professional-pedagogical training of agronomists-researchers in agrarian universities logically puts the question about determination of criteria and levels of correspondent training

Author Biography

Ольга Василівна Ткаченко, Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University Soborna sq., 8/1, Bila Tserkva, Ukraine, 09117

Postgraduate student, Assistant

Department of Information Systems and Technologies


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How to Cite

Ткаченко, О. В. (2016). Justification of the model of professional-pedagogical training of future agronomists-researchers. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (11 (7), 32–37. https://doi.org/10.15587/2519-4984.2016.84173



Pedagogical Education