Studies of the features of training of future specialists of socionomic professions to the safety of life and professional activity
culture of safe life activity, socionomic professions, bases of labor protection, pedagogical conditionsAbstract
The permanently growing level of natural and technogenic dangers, instability of international agreements about safety and peace, risks in routine life and at the work place need the improvements of the system of higher education in Ukraine as to the questions of training students to the creation of safe conditions of routine and professional activity. The aim of the article: to consider the features of training of the future specialists of cosionomic professions to the safety of life and professional activity for formation of the culture of safe life activity.
The high requirements are made to the representatives of socionomic professions because the object of labor is the other people. This feature is characterized with the aspiration to help in different situations, confirm the necessity of the additional quality of the specialists of these professions – culture of safe life activity. The safety of life and professional activity of future specialists are conditioned by the level of culture of safe life activity and features of its manifestation in each specialist separately.
The formation of culture of safe life activity in future specialists of socionomic professions was realized within the author model of training to the safety of life and professional activity. The model was applied in educational process of higher educational institutions in teaching of professionally oriented disciplines about the human safety for future specialists of socionpmic professions.
The training of future specialists of socionomic professions to the safety of life and professional activity provided the use of principles of selection and structurization of the learning content, principles of organization of studying activity of students and the use of interactive methods in educational process of HEI. The pedagogical conditions of formation of the culture of safe life activity were determined in the process of such training: 1) presentation of idea of the safe life activity as a through line in structurization of content of disciplines about human safety; 2) pragmatic orientation of content and studying activity of student; 3) practical verification and the use of mastered information in own experience.
The methodology of teaching of professionally oriented discipline “The bases of labor protection” using the different forms and methods of organization of studying activity of the students – future specialists of socionomic professions was described. It was established, that the new approach to educational process as to the disciplines about human safety allows form the high level of culture of safe life activity in future specialists of socionomic professionsReferences
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