The training of future higher school teacher to organize the process of interactive learning
future teacher, interactive learning, computer technologies, master, modernizationAbstract
The article is devoted to the problem of professional training of future higher school teacher under MA conditions. The possibilities of interactive learning in the process of organization of independent work of MA students were considered. The one of modern directions of the development of active learning is interactive learning. Interactive learning is directed on the active and deep mastering of studied material, development of ability to solve the complex problems. Independent work of future teacher is the specific form of educational activity, directed on the personal self-development and professional self-improvement. The important factor that influences the success of independent work of the future teachers is the formation of stable interest to the profession, to the methods of mastering its specificity.
It is underlined, that the feature of interactive learning in training of future teachers is continuous active learning, cooperation and creative interaction between all participants of educational processReferences
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