The problem of recognition of the young teacher status in Ukraine


  • Олена Володимирівна Тринус Institute of pedagogical education and adult education of the National academy of pedagogical sciences of Ukraine M. Berlynskogo str., 9, Kyiv, Ukraine, 04060, Ukraine



youth, formation of youth, teaching profession, young teacher, young specialist status


Taking into account the needs of modern school, the question about the quality of pedagogical activity, recognition of status of the young teacher, able to replace the experienced educators, to be adequate to the new educational situation and new complicated conditions of professional activity, becomes topical. In the article the author aims to discover the essence of the notion “the young teacher” and outline the problems of its status recognition in Ukraine. It is determined, that the category “the young teacher” is connected with age period “the youth”, is used related to the profession but not age, and means social group with big labor potential. It was established, that the negative tendencies as to the young teacher status recognition are conditioned by insufficient readiness of the youth to pedagogical activity, large number of working teachers of pre-pension and pension age, low lovel of prestisiousness of pedagogical specialty.

As a result of the study of genesis of definition of the young teacher status it was discovered, that this term is accordant to the category “the young specialist”, which official use is a base for guaranteeing of social support for young people. The author proves that the recognition of young teacher status in Ukraine is worthy of the state support that will favor the inflow of young teachers, able to be adequate to the new educational situation and new complicated conditions of professional activity

Author Biography

Олена Володимирівна Тринус, Institute of pedagogical education and adult education of the National academy of pedagogical sciences of Ukraine M. Berlynskogo str., 9, Kyiv, Ukraine, 04060



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How to Cite

Тринус, О. В. (2017). The problem of recognition of the young teacher status in Ukraine. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (1 (9), 15–19.



Pedagogical Education