Special course of study “fundamentals of conflictological culture” and its role in the formation of conflictological culture of future experts of socionomic professions.


  • Тетяна Ромуальдівна Браніцька M. Kotsiubynsky Vinnitsa State Pedagogical University Ostrozhskogo str., 32, Vinnitsa, Ukraine, 21100, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7089-8299




special course, conflictological culture, experts of socionomic professions, vocational training


Special course of study “Fundamentals of conflictological culture of future experts of socionomic professions” is a deep problem development of the formation of conflictological culture of future experts of socionomic professions according to the program, proposed by the author. The special course built on the methodological principles: the unity of consciousness and activity, the theory and practice, the integration of knowledge from related fields of sciences - Psychology, Pedagogy, Social Psychology, and Conflict Resolution Studies. A determinant between efficiency of knowledge technology and quality of the process of the formation of conflictological culture is based on a complex organization of competence, system, active, cultural, self-oriented, axiological, acmeological, synergic approaches.

Actual problem of formation of conflictological culture of experts in modern conflictogenic environment, the role of the special course of study as the final stage of solving a definite problem, on which (stage) systematized and generalized theoretical knowledge and practical abilities and skills of the students in the article are proved. The concept of “conflictological culture of experts” as a multifaceted quality of activity of an expert is determined. The qualitative internal changes in the character, the direction, the opportunities of students in the process of the formation of conflictological culture and the psychological mechanisms of realization these changes are revealed. The goal, the task of the special course, the system of conflictological competences and competencies and the ways of formation of conflictological culture of future experts of socionomic professions are determined:

a) the presence of highly skilled creative teachers able to create on their classes atmosphere of cooperation, the priority values of knowledge and skills; motivate and encourage students to scientific research of activities, self-reflection and self-improvement.

b) the use of psychological-pedagogical system technologies as a way of realization of the special course content to achieve the goal of the formation of conflictological culture of future experts of socionomic professions

Author Biography

Тетяна Ромуальдівна Браніцька, M. Kotsiubynsky Vinnitsa State Pedagogical University Ostrozhskogo str., 32, Vinnitsa, Ukraine, 21100

PhD, Associate professor

Department of Psychology and Social Work 


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How to Cite

Браніцька, Т. Р. (2017). Special course of study “fundamentals of conflictological culture” and its role in the formation of conflictological culture of future experts of socionomic professions. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (1 (9), 20–23. https://doi.org/10.15587/2519-4984.2017.91475



Pedagogical Education