Opportunities of a personal learning environment for performing self-education activities of the future pharmacy employee





personal learning environment, PLE models, ICT capabilities, elf-educational activity, future pharmacy employee


The issue of the use of information and communication technologies in the education of pharmaceutical students is highlighted. The author pays special attention to the importance of creating a personal educational environment that enables the student's self-education and is the basis for lifelong education. The author provides a detailed interpretation of the phenomenon, approaches to it, and describes four models that are used in foreign pedagogical practice. The analysis of pedagogical studies made it possible to affirm the opinion about the potential of PLE for the development of the self-educational activity of the student, in particular, the future specialist-pharmacist. The author indicated the directions of using information technologies in medical education. The possibilities of certain elements of the personal educational environment through the prism of their involvement in the educational process, the importance of developing skills and actively using a number of information resources at the same time, systematizing and comparing the acquired knowledge, independently creating new sources of information are described. A number of computer and web technologies have been identified that enable the formation of PLE, promote motivation and development of self-educational activity, namely: the use of structuring of the educational space of higher education institutions based on Ms Office365 and Ms Teams services, MSO365 cloud services; social networks Viber, Facebook and YouTube channels; communication platforms Zoom, Skype, Google Classroom, and others; use of computer modeling of physical, biological, chemical, physiological processes, modeling of laboratory work; use of electronic textbooks; use of multimedia educational and demonstration computer programs, learning and informative video films; development of the department's website for placing organizational and learning information on it; use of computer-based testing of students' knowledge and an interactive survey system. The author provides specific examples from pedagogical practice, proving a direct connection between information and communication technologies that fill PLE with the development of self-education activities of the student

Author Biographies

Kira Hnezdilova, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor

Department of Preschool Education

Ruslana Barjadze, Cherkasy Medical Academy


Department of Professional Medical and Pharmaceutical Disciplines


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How to Cite

Hnezdilova, K., & Barjadze, R. (2022). Opportunities of a personal learning environment for performing self-education activities of the future pharmacy employee. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (4(49), 17–23. https://doi.org/10.15587/2519-4984.2022.261052



Pedagogical Education