Comparative analysis of the "human - AI" system




artificial intelligence, education, communication, information, information technologies, society, research, future


The article highlights the historical foundations of the emergence of information systems that led to the creation of artificial intelligence (AI) in the context of technological development processes, and provides definitions of key concepts. To better understand the essence of the article, through comparative analysis, the views of prominent contemporary figures on the development of artificial intelligence and the diversity of opinions regarding the application of innovative technologies are elucidated. The detachment from reality is observed in both optimistic and pessimistic forecasts due to the lack of scientific substantiation. The diversity of opinions is explained by the fact that most scientists focus on specific aspects (business, politics, physics, neurobiology), rather than on the specific technology of artificial intelligence. The article reveals the ambivalence of views of different groups of experts on the impact of the implementation of new technological processes. Sociologists, historians, and philosophers perceive these technologies with caution, assessing their impact on society and the individual, while companies developing new technologies often exaggerate their significance to promote their products. The right decision would be to unite many fields to achieve a common goal - creating the desired future of the "human-AI" system. Bringing together different sciences (philosophy, psychology, law, physics, mathematics, biology), exchanging experiences, and creating specialized organizations, institutes can help change the polarization of views and find answers to questions that have already arisen and may arise in the future. The activities of research organizations that will explore aspects of technological progress should perform a unifying function between opposing views, balancing the process of hybridization of the real and virtual worlds. The question of the impact of artificial intelligence on the future of humanity remains open. Fruitful cooperation between humans and machines looks promising and requires the correct setting of goals and regular monitoring of the process of this system, understanding the significance of new technologies. The author emphasizes the importance of addressing these issues, as the development of technologies is constantly growing and leaves no time for controversy

Author Biography

Ostap Zaluthets, Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University

PhD Student

Department of English language


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How to Cite

Zaluthets, O. (2024). Comparative analysis of the "human - AI" system. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (2(59), 4–9.



Pedagogical Education