Білик Надія Іванівна

Полтавський обласний інститут післядипломної педагогічної освіти ім. М.В. Остроградського, Україна
Доктор педагогічних наук, доцент, професор кафедри педагогічної майстерності та інклюзивної освіти
Головний редактор електронного наукового фахового журналу "Імідж сучасного педагога"

Researcher ID: AAB-8827-2022
Профіль GoogleАкадемія:
ID ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-2344-5347

Selected Publications:

  1. Bilyk, N. (2023). Managerial competence of the head of a general secondary school in creating conditions for inclusive education. Image of the Modern Pedagogu, 1 (6), 58–66. doi: https://doi.org/10.33272/2522-9729-2023-6(213)-58-66

  2. Bilyk, N., Mahomedova, T. (2023). «I am Ukraine. I am the eternal dream of unity» project implementation. Ukrainian Professional Education, 13, 141–149. doi: https://doi.org/10.33989/2519-8254.2023.13.289949

  3. Logvynenko, Y., Mazurenko, V., Sytnyk, L., Bilyk, N. (2023). Mykola Rudenko’s poetry and prose as a platform for popularizing the author’s alternative hypothesis of the Universe. Revista Amazonia Investiga, 12 (67), 223–231. doi: https://doi.org/10.34069/ai/2023.67.07.20

  4. Liubchenko, N., Bilyk, N., Melnyk, N. (2023). The Coordination Center for the Development of Innovation Schools in Ukraine: realities and prospects of activity in postgraduate education. Image of the Modern Pedagogu, 1 (5), 12–29. doi: https://doi.org/10.33272/2522-9729-2023-5(212)-12-29

  5. Kravchenko, L., Bilyk, N., Onipko, V., Plachynda, T., Zavitrenko, A. (2021). Professional Mobility of the Manager of a Secondary Education Institution as the Basis of His or Her Self-Development. Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 13 (1), 417–430. doi: https://doi.org/10.18662/rrem/13.1/379

  6. Kirdan, O., Romanova, V., Prokopov, S., Bilyk, N., Tsisaruk, I. (2021). Innovative approaches in the organization of independent work of applicants for higher education in the conditions of information educational environment. Laplage Em Revista, 7 (3A), 480–488. doi: https://doi.org/10.24115/s2446-6220202173a1442p.480-488

  7. Koknova, T., Kharchenko, S., Bilyk, N., Sechka, S. (2020). The Model of Educational Environment for Prospective Ukrainian ESL Teachers within Competency-Based Education. Arab World English Journal, 3, 79–89. doi: https://doi.org/10.24093/awej/elt3.7