Войтовська Оксана Миколаївна

Національний педагогічний університет імені М. П. Драгоманова, Україна
Доктор педагогічних наук, професор
Кафедра фундаментальних дисциплін

Профіль Scopusпосилання
Researcher ID: K-7738-2018
Профіль GoogleАкадемія:
ID ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1814-5895

Selected Publications:

  1. Voitovska, O., Kovalova, K., Kuleshova, V., Kravchuk, O., Moroz, O., Zhyvaho, K. (2023). Development of Distance Learning in the Context of Covid-19. Journal of Curriculum and Teaching, 12 (2), 47. https://doi.org/10.5430/jct.v12n2p47

  2. Voitovska, O., Ostrovska-Buhaichuk, I., Zadorozhna-Kniahnytska, L., Koshelieva, O., Tsyselska, O. (2022). Mechanisms for managing the quality of education in the context of systemic change. AD ALTA-Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, 12 (1), 112–116.

  3. Pratsiovytyi, M., Lysenko, I., Voitovska, O. (2018). Distribution of values of classic singular Cantor function of random argument. Random Operators and Stochastic Equations, 26 (4), 193–200.  http://doi.org/10.1515/rose-2018-0016

  4. Voitovska, O., Tolochko, S. (2019). Lifelong Learning as the Future Human Need. Philosophy and Cosmology, 22, 144–151. http://doi.org/10.29202/phil-cosm/22/13 

  5. Voitovska, O., Tolochko, S., Bordyug, N. (2018). Lifelong Learning in Modern Strategies of Sustainable Development. Studia Warmińskie, 55, 343–352. http://doi.org/10.31648/sw.3081 

  6. Voitovska, O., Tolochko, S. (2018). Physical Education Teachers’ Perspectives in a Changing World: From Future Studies to New Physical Culture. Philosophy and Cosmology, 20, 139–145. http://doi.org/10.29202/phil-cosm/20/13 

  7. Voitovska, O. (2018). System-forming components of professional development of physical training teachers in the conditions of postgraduate pedagogical education. Scientific Papers of Berdiansk State Pedagogical University. Series: Pedagogical Sciences, 1 (1), 138–145.  http://doi.org/10.31494/2412-9208-2018-1-1-138-145