Inclusive teaching a foreign language senior pupils with musculoskeletal disorders: special educational needs and adjustments




inclusion, senior learners, cerebral palsy, musculoskeletal disorder, special educational needs


According to the legislation existing in Ukraine pupils with special educational needs can study in both – special and mainstream schools or classes. There is a discussion in the society about advantages and disadvantages of inclusion for pupils with severe disabilities. The main point is that transferring those to mainstream schools should be based on proper adjustments and that the decision itself depends on the nature and severity of disability.

The research aims to highlight the adjustments that are to be done to meet special educational needs of senior learners with musculoskeletal disorders caused by cerebral palsy and namely in teaching them a foreign language.

As a result of analysing cerebral palsy types, 3 main barriers for learning a foreign language were identified: a difficulty to stand or walk independently, a difficulty to sit independently and a difficulty to hold objects and to write. The special needs of pupils with musculoskeletal disorder (defined according to the barriers mentioned above) were viewed from the perspective of adjustment types. The latter included the adjustment of: school environment, the Individual Development Program and the Individual Plan, teaching approaches and means of teaching.

The significance of individualization and differentiation as core principles of organizing the process of teaching pupils with musculoskeletal disorder a foreign language is highlighted.

The conclusion drawn from the research is that pupils with cerebral palsy in Ukraine can benefit both from inclusive and special educational settings. The first one empowers the development of their social and learning competences. The second one serves as a complex resource (both methodological and human) to facilitate the educational process. Thus both types should be available for reasonable use in every individual case

Author Biography

Natalia Scherba, Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University Velyka Berdychivska str., 40, Zhytomyr, Ukraine, 10008

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Intercultural Communication and Applied Linguistics


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How to Cite

Scherba, N. (2018). Inclusive teaching a foreign language senior pupils with musculoskeletal disorders: special educational needs and adjustments. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, (4 (24), 20–24.



Pedagogical Education