Contextual teaching material development model
DOI:Ключові слова:
Real Document Transaction, worksheet, cooperative learning, accounting, teaching materials, contextualАнотація
Learning accounting so far only uses student activity sheets or books or handouts. This obviously can cause students to be vulnerable to disinterest, difficulty in learning accounting, less motivated and abstract lessons. This study aims to determine the extent, to which the process of making printed teaching materials model products is in the form of real document transactions that contextually integrate student worksheets in accounting. By designing learning experiences that are close to real-world conditions, so that they can grow knowledge and skills in the field of accounting, through innovation in creating product models of printed teaching materials that are contextually integrated with working papers in the accounting field. The method, designed in this research, is the Thiagarajan (4D) development model, which consists of the Define stage, Design stage, Develop stage, and Dissemination stage. The results showed that the product in this development research was in the form of appropriate teaching materials to support the application of the scientific approach in implementing the curriculum. Overall, the teaching materials made are real and contextual, students are motivated to learn well by using Real document transaction products because learning is like using transaction proof documents in the real industrial world
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