Study of factors affecting on the development of the pharmaceutical sector enterprises
pharmaceutical enterprise, pharmaceutical sector, management, development trends, stocks, medicinesAbstract
Aim. The aim of the article is to study the factors influencing the development of enterprises in the pharmaceutical sector.
Materials and methods. Methods used in the study include methods for analysis and synthesis, mathematical statistics, and econometric and mathematical methods. The data used in the analysis were presented in the statistical yearbook of Ukraine.
Results. The present state and trends of development of enterprises of the pharmaceutical sector are investigated. The dynamics of changes in consumer price indices for pharmaceutical products and the volume of its sales in 2011-2018 testifies to excess of a rise in prices over growth in sales volumes. The analysis of the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine highlighted an increase of 11 % in the volume of pharmaceutical products in US dollars. The negative factors of the pharmaceutical sector development in Ukraine include the reduction of purchasing power of citizens. The comparison of the share of foreign and domestic producers in the domestic pharmaceutical market shows that the Ukrainian drugs are more accessible to the user. The analysis of world experience has highlighted that in Ukraine the lowest indicators of population spending on the purchase of medicines; while in Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria this figure is 4 times higher. By the number of pharmacies - in Ukraine, the highest figures in absolute terms. Applied methods of mathematical statistics, which allowed revealing the continuity of nonfunctional relationships between random variables, which allow establishing the connection between the net result (profit) and the size of the stocks of pharmaceutical enterprises in the Kharkiv region.
Conclusions. The study of the current state and trends of the pharmaceutical sector enterprises allowed to conclude that profitability depends on the organization of logistics management (inventory control), which will allow them to get rid of unnecessary costs and reach a new level of production of modern medicines
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