Study of the antiulcer activity of dry extract of garden cabbage on a model of subchronic gastric ulcer
peptic ulcer, acetylsalicylic ulcer, dry cabbage extract, anti-ulcer activityAbstract
Aim – to study the gastroprotective properties of dry cabbage garden extract on the model of experimental lesions of the gastric mucosa with acetylsalicylic acid.
Materials and methods. Subchronic ulcerative lesions of the gastric mucosa of rats were simulated by intragastric administration of acetylsalicylic acid at a dose of 150 mg/kg for 3 days. Dry cabbage extract in a conditional therapeutic dose of 50 mg/kg and the comparison drugs omeprazole and altan were administered daily during the reproduction of the pathology and for another 2 days. The percentage of animals with ulcers in the group, the condition of the gastric mucosa were evaluated, the ulcer index and anti-ulcer activity were calculated. Histologically, the capacity of mucoid secretion by mucus-forming cells of the pathogenic epithelium outside the destruction zones by the severity of the PAS-reaction was investigated.
Results. It was established that the dry extract of cabbage at a dose of 50 mg/kg leveled the ulcerogenic effect of acetylsalicylic acid at the level of omeprazole, which was reflected by a decrease in the ulcer index by 3,3 times, its antiulcer activity was 83 %. The maximum anti-ulcer effect was shown by the combination of dry cabbage extract with omeprazole, which significantly reduced the risk of developing damage to the gastric mucosa, ulcer index exceeded monotherapy with dry cabbage extract, omeprazole and altan, anti-ulcer activity was at the level of 94 %. The cabbage extract stabilized the processes of mucoid synthesis; when combined with omeprazole, the PAS-intensity of the gastric superficial-foveolar epithelium of the mucous membrane did not differ from the intact control in all the studied areas. The obtained data allow us to consider the dry extract of garden cabbage as a gastroprotector of acetylsalicylic ulcerogenesis.
Conclusions. On the model of rats' gastric lesion with acetylsalicylic acid, a dry cabbage extract showed an anti-ulcer effect, by the severity of which it was not inferior to the comparator drug with the proton pump inhibitor omeprazole and significantly exceeded the phytopreparation of altan tablets. The combined use of cabbage extract and omeprazole showed a high prophylactic effect on the negative effect of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs on the gastric mucosa. One of the mechanisms of the gastroprotective effect of dry cabbage extract is its ability to enhance the formation of mucus by the cells of the integumentary-patchy epithelium of the stomach. The results indicate the promise of further research on the anti-ulcer properties of dry cabbage extract for the purpose of its use in the treatment of peptic ulcer disease and the prevention of gastropathy caused by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
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