Estimation of the possibility of expanding the instrument base for the rapid detection of falsified medicinal products in the Rivne region




infrared spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, quality control of drugs


The aim of the research was assessment of ways to expand the instrument base of photometric equipment for quality control of medicines, substantiation of prospects for their implementation and application in the activities of the territorial service for medicines and drug control in Rivne region.

Materials and methods. Literature data, scientific publications on the application of photometric methods in drug quality control and own research on drug quality control were used. The methods of system analysis, bibliosemantic, data generalization was used in the work, the method of absorption spectrophotometry in the infrared region is used in the experimental research.

Results. It is analyzed the effectiveness of IR spectroscopy for quality control of drugs and detection of their counterfeits in the framework of improving modern approaches to counteracting and combating the turnover of drugs in Ukraine. The prospect of using portable Raman spectrometers for drug quality control is established, based on their advantages over IR spectrophotometry. It was analyzed a list of drugs containing (azithromycin, erythromycin, ibuprofen, paracetamol, clarithromycin, cefuroxime sodium), including antipyretics and antibiotics that can be used to treat complications of COVID-19, in the field of involvement of the instrument base of the National University of Water Management and Nature Management and Rivne State University for the Humanities of Rivne.

Novelty of the obtained results. For the first time, the paper suggests the involvement of the instrument base of higher education institutions for routine quality control of drugs and detection of their counterfeits by territorial laboratories for quality control of medicines on the example of Rivne region. The necessity of introduction and equipping of territorial bodies of the state quality control of medicines with portable devices of Raman spectrometry for carrying out express, non-destructive quality control of medicines is substantiated.

Conclusions. The method of Raman spectroscopy is relevant for the implementation of the State Service for Medicines and Drug Control. The introduction of this method and equipment will increase the efficiency of inspections, as well as significantly reduce the time of analysis. According to the results of experimental research on the basis of the National University of Water Management of Rivne and Rivne State University for the Humanities, it is expedient and possible to involve the equipment of regional educational institutions and laboratories to detect counterfeits and prevent their use by the health care system

Author Biographies

Serhii Lebed, National University of Pharmacy Pushkinska str., 53, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002 State Service for Medicines and Drug Control in the Rivne region 16 Lypnia str., 38, Rivne, Ukraine, 33028

Postgraduate Student

Department of Organization and Economics


Alla Nemchenko, National University of Pharmacy Pushkinska str., 53, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002

Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor, Head on Department

Department of Organization and Economics

Aleksandr Zdoryk, Institute for Advanced Training of Pharmacy Specialists Zakhystnykiv Ukrainy sq., 17, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61001

Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of Quality, Standardization and Certification of Medicines


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How to Cite

Lebed, S., Nemchenko, A., & Zdoryk, A. (2020). Estimation of the possibility of expanding the instrument base for the rapid detection of falsified medicinal products in the Rivne region. ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science, (3 (25), 39–43.



Pharmaceutical Science