Scientific and practical approachеs of formation of logistic innovative systems in pharmaceutical companies




logistics innovation system, pharmaceutical company, innovative medicine, information and innovation flow


The aim of the work is to analyze and generalize the existing scientific approaches and substantiate the mechanisms of formation of the logistics innovation system of the pharmaceutical company, which is the most important condition for creating modern effective domestic drugs under optimal use of resources and time.

Materials and methods. Studies were conducted using databases on the Internet: the State Expert Center, the Ukrainian Patent Office, scientific and metric databases. It has used retrospective, logical, graphic research methods, content analysis.

Results. The relevance of the implementation of the logistics concept of innovation management in domestic pharmaceutical companies is substantiated. A key aspect of this concept is the integration of individual parts of the innovation process through the maximum use of information exchange between participants in this process, active innovation, use of existing and creation of new knowledge, which become the main asset of innovation-oriented pharmaceutical company. The essence of the logistics innovation system of a pharmaceutical company is determined, the model of interrelations within the open logistics innovation system of a pharmaceutical company is substantiated. It is proved that with the help of a logistics innovation system it is possible to carry out planning, management, actualization of creation and implementation of innovative medicines at the optimal level of used resources and time for the implementation of relevant innovation projects. It is determined that the logistics innovation system of a pharmaceutical company is related to the management of incoming information and innovation flow (results of basic and applied research, data on clinical and preclinical study of medicines, pharmaceutical development), internal information and innovation flow (information exchange in the internal environment - resource, scientific and informational, organizational, personnel component), the initial information and innovation flow (information for government agencies, consumers, suppliers, the public, organizations interested in using the research results). These flows are integrated and relate to various aspects of the company's innovation.

Conclusions. Thus, in order to intensify and activize innovation in domestic pharmacy, it is promising to expand the scope of logistics methods for the development and implementation of innovative medicines. The purpose of the logistics innovation system is to provide the pharmaceutical company with the information necessary for completeness, relevance, reliability, timeliness at a rational cost of their provision, for effective management of material resources

Author Biographies

Olga Posilkina, National University of Pharmacy Pushkinska str., 53, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002

Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor

Department of Management, Economics and Quality Assurance in Pharmacy

Elena Litvinova, National University of Pharmacy Pushkinska str., 53, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002

Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor

Department of Management, Economics and Quality Assurance in Pharmacy

Lisna Anastasiya, National University of Pharmacy Pushkinska str., 53, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Management, Economics and Quality Assurance in Pharmacy


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How to Cite

Posilkina, O., Litvinova, E., & Anastasiya, L. (2020). Scientific and practical approachеs of formation of logistic innovative systems in pharmaceutical companies. ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science, (5 (27), 24–29.



Pharmaceutical Science