Research on the use of motivational tools in the practical activity of pharmaceutical specialists




motivational tool, questionnaire, pharmaceutical specialist, education, training, social and charitable project


The aim. Research on the peculiarities of the use of modern motivational tools by domestic employers in the pharmaceutical industry (including training and involvement of pharmaceutical specialists in social projects).

Materials and methods. An anonymous online survey in the Google Form was conducted from April 3, 2021 to November 1, 2021 on the social network "Facebook" (including in four pharmaceutical groups of this network). Methods: analysis, synthesis, and generalization.

Results of the research. The main motivating factors of respondents and the main motivational tools used by employers in the pharmaceutical industry have been identified. The state of training and education during professional activities and the evaluation of their effectiveness by respondents have been studied. Professional and motivational-psychological trainings are in the lead in the ranking of educational projects (75.2 % of respondents). The methods of evaluation of pharmaceutical specialists used by employers in the pharmaceutical industry have been generalized. The attitude of respondents to the participation of employers in the pharmaceutical industry in social and charitable projects has been studied. Most respondents (67.5 %) positively perceives the participation of employers in social and charitable projects, for some of them this is a motivational advantage when choosing a place of work.

Conclusions. An online survey of 508 pharmaceutical professionals, conducted in a Google Form has allowed us to establish the features of current motivational approaches used today in pharmaceutical organizations and the attitude of respondents to them. It has been found that such motivational tools as trainings (innovative form of education) (55.1 %), as well as material forms of incentives (73.2 %) are widely used. At the same time, the main topics of the trainings are regarding the professional aspects of activity. An important factor in the life of a pharmaceutical organization is its social and charitable work, which forms a positive attitude towards it on the part of pharmaceutical professionals, and sometimes serves as a motivational advantage in choosing a place of work

Author Biographies

Iryna Horodetska, Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University

Philosophy Doctor on Pharmaceutical Science, Associate Professor

Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy

Oksana Levytska, Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University

Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy

Iryna Chukhray, Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University

Philosophy Doctor on Pharmaceutical Science, Assistant

Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy

Oleksandra Korniyenko, Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University

Philosophy Doctor on Pharmaceutical Science, Associate Professor

Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy

Halyna Bilushchak, Lviv Polytechnic National University

Philosophy Doctor on Physical and Mathematical Science, Associate Professor

Department of Computational Mathematics and Programming

Institute of Applied Mathematics and Fundamental Sciences


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How to Cite

Horodetska, I., Levytska, O., Chukhray, I., Korniyenko, O., & Bilushchak, H. (2022). Research on the use of motivational tools in the practical activity of pharmaceutical specialists. ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science, (3(37), 19–26.



Pharmaceutical Science