Utilization of water extract of yellow potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) in hydrogel eye mask as anti-aging formulation
water extract, anti-aging, yellow potato tuber, hydrogel eye mask, solanum tuberosum L, pore, wrinkle, moisture, spot, shrinkageAbstract
The thinness and sensitivity of the skin in the area under the eyes cause the skin in this area to easily show signs of aging. Hydrogel masks contain quite a lot of water, so during use this mask will moisturize the skin longer. A hydrogel eye mask containing yellow potato tuber water extract is used for the prevention of premature aging, especially under the eyes.
The purpose of this study was to determine whether hydrogel eye mask preparations containing water extract of yellow potato tubers can provide an anti-aging effect.
Material and methods: The yellow potato tuber water extract was screened for phytochemicals, then formulated into a hydrogel eye mask with a concentration of 0.25 %, 0.5 %, and 1 %. Evaluation of the hydrogel eye mask preparation includes organoleptic, weight, thickness, pH test, tensile test, swelling power, shrinkage, stability, cycling test, hedonic test, and anti-aging. Anti-aging parameters measured include moisture, pores, blemishes, and wrinkles. The treatment was carried out for four weeks by applying the mask twice a week.
Results: The results showed that all hydrogel eye mask formulas were stable during storage and cycling tests. All formulas meet pH values, shrinkage, elasticity, swellability, and irritation tests. The hedonic test on volunteers shows the most preferred concentration of 1 %. The results of the anti-aging effectiveness test of the best hydrogel eye mask preparation is a concentration of 1 % with an increase in humidity of 27 %, a decrease in pores of 35.8 %, blemishes of 40 %, and wrinkles of 37.6
Conclusion: That the different concentrations of each formula showed different anti-aging activities and the best formula was 1 % with moisture values of 27 %, pore values of 35.8 %, blemishes of 40 %, and wrinkles values of 37.6 %, which indicated anti-aging activity
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