Study of the influence of ingredients on biopharmaceutical factors and pharmacological activity of a medicinal product with carrot extract and rutin




thick extract of carrot roots, rutin, technology, analysis, proctological diseases


Aim. The work aimed to study the influence of the components of a soft rectal medicine with carrot root extract and rutin on biopharmaceutical parameters and its pharmacological activity.

Materials and methods. The objects of the study were samples of soft pharmaceutical forms made on different bases. Pharmacological, biopharmaceutical, physicochemical and pharmacotechnological research methods were used in the study.

The results. According to the data of organoleptic studies, determination of colloidal stability, and determination of pH, it was established that the studied samples were stable during the entire observation period. According to the data of rheological studies, it was established that all systems are thixotropic. However, the recovery time of the system is different, which is related to the physicochemical properties of auxiliary substances included in the samples. The performed spectral analysis of dialysate solutions of experimental samples of soft medicine indicates the possibility of quantitative determination of the number of flavonoids in dialysates in terms of rutin. The components of the base of the samples and the thick extract of carrot roots do not interfere with the determination of rutin in dialysates with pH 6.8 by the absorption spectrophotometry method at a wavelength of 352 nm. The analysis of the obtained results of the study of the release of rutin from samples into a phosphate buffer solution by dialysis through a semipermeable membrane shows that the complete release is provided by auxiliary substances used in the preparation of sample No. 4, which is an emulsion of the first kind. The obtained data from pharmacological studies on the dynamics of planimetric indicators on the model of stencil wounds in rats demonstrated a wound-healing effect in all the studied samples and the reference agent - Hemorol suppositories. However, using sample No. 4 in the treatment of a stencil wound promotes faster healing, which in clinical use can contribute to reducing the risk of infection, the spread of infection, and reducing the area of ​​the wound defect.

Conclusions. According to the results of the complex studies, moderate advantages of sample No. 4 over the comparison drug and other samples have been established, determining the perspective of further research

Author Biographies

Olena Ruban, National University of Pharmacy

Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department

Department of Industrial Technology of Drugs

Mohammad Al Sayasneh, National University of Pharmacy

Postgraduate Student

Department of Industrial Technology of Drugs

Inna Kovalevska , National University of Pharmacy

Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor

Department of Industrial Technology of Drugs

Volodymir Grudko , National University of Pharmacy

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Dmytro Lytkin, National University of Pharmacy


Educational and Scientific Institute of Applied Pharmacy

Oksana Dunaіevska, Polissya National University

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of Normal and Pathological Morphology, Hygiene and Expertise


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Study of the influence of ingredients on biopharmaceutical factors and pharmacological activity of a medicinal product with carrot extract and rutin




How to Cite

Ruban, O., Al Sayasneh, M., Kovalevska , I., Grudko , V., Lytkin, D., & Dunaіevska O. (2023). Study of the influence of ingredients on biopharmaceutical factors and pharmacological activity of a medicinal product with carrot extract and rutin. ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science, (2(42), 20–28.



Pharmaceutical Science