Comparative analysis of the consumption of antidepressants in Ukraine, Estonia and Norway




depression, antidepressants, pharmaceutical market, ATC/DDD methodology, consumption volumes, escitalopram, comparison of consumption volumes, Ukraine, Norway, Estonia


Due to modern living conditions, the number of patients suffering from chronic depression is increasing every year. Antidepressants (AD) are one of the most popular drugs. In recent years, the demand for AD has increased in many countries of the world. The analysis of trends in the level and structure of AD consumption in Ukraine compared to other countries is relevant.

The aim. The purpose of the study was to study the assortment of AD in Ukraine for 2020-2021, as well as to analyze the volume and structure of AD consumption compared to similar data for Estonia and Norway.

Materials and methods. Marketing analysis of the range of drugs on the market and ATC/DDD-methodology were used to study the volume of drug consumption. The analysis of the assortment and consumption volumes of AD was carried out according to the data of the State Register of Medicinal Products of Ukraine and the analytical company "Proxima Research"/"Morion". Calculations of consumption volumes were made according to the ATC/DDD methodology in terms of DDDs per 1000 inhabitants per day (DID). The obtained results of the level and structure of AD consumption were compared with similar data on the official resources of the State representatives of medicinal products of Estonia and Norway.

Results. The obtained results showed that ADs in Ukraine during 2020-2021 were represented by 19 INNs, mostly drugs of foreign manufacturers. The pharmaceutical market was dominated by selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). It was established that the consumption of AD among the population of Estonia exceeded the indicators in Ukraine by 12.2-13.6 times, and in Norway by 18.2-21.6 times. The leader in terms of consumption in the three studied countries was a representative of the SSRI group escitalopram, but its consumption in Estonia and Norway was higher than in Ukraine, respectively, by 7.7-9.4 times and by 16.8-21.3 times.

Conclusions. A significant difference in AD consumption may indicate that in Estonia and Norway, a greater number of patients with chronic depression seek medical help and receive pharmacotherapy than in Ukraine

Author Biographies

Oksana Tkachova, National University of Pharmacy

Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor

Department of Pharmaceutical Management and Marketing

Larysa Iakovlieva, National Polytechnic University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”

Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor

Department of General Pharmacy

Olga Gerasymova, National University of Pharmacy

PhD, Deputy Director

Educational and Scientific Institute of Applied Pharmacy

Yaroslava Butko, National University of Pharmacy

Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor

Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy

Liliia Kovalenko, National University of Pharmacy

Department of Pharmaceutical Management


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Comparative analysis of the consumption of antidepressants in Ukraine, Estonia and Norway




How to Cite

Tkachova, O., Iakovlieva, L., Gerasymova, O., Butko, Y., & Kovalenko, L. (2023). Comparative analysis of the consumption of antidepressants in Ukraine, Estonia and Norway. ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science, (3(43), 23–30.



Pharmaceutical Science