Analysis of the essential oils in leaves and rhizomes with roots of angelica Archangelica growing in Ukraine
Angelica archangelica, leaves, rhizomes with roots, essential oils, GC/MSAbstract
Essential oils, comprised of volatile compounds, have a wide range of biological effects, making them valuable in medicine, industry, and agriculture. They exhibit properties such as antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antioxidant, anti-obesity, antidiabetic, and smooth muscle relaxation. In this aspect, plants belonging to the genus Angelica show promise. One of these essential oil plants is Angelica archangelica. There is insufficient information in the literature on the essential oils of the leaves and rhizomes with roots of Angelica archangelica.
The aim. The aim of our study was to identify and determine the quantitative content of essential oils by GC/MS method in Angelica archangelica leaves and rhizomes with roots grown in Ukraine.
Materials and methods. The determination of the essential oils composition of Angelica archangelica was conducted using Agilent Technologies 6890 chromatograph with mass spectrometric detector 5973 (Agilent Technologies, USA).
Results. The leaves of Angelica archangelica were found to contain twenty-three components in their essential oil, while the rhizomes and roots of this plant contained fifteen components. Eleven components were common to both parts of the plant, namely cis-Pinane, α-Farnesene, α-Curcumene, α-Caryophyllene, Copaen, β-Bisabolene, δ-Amorphene, α-Muurolene, trans-Chrysanthemal, β-Guaiene, α-Elemene. Twelve components such as α-Pinene, β-Myrcene, 3-p-Menthene, Isoborneol, Anisole, Bornyl acetate, (Z)-β-Elemene, Caryophyllene, (-)-Spathulenol, α-Bergamotene, γ-Muurolene, α-Bisabolol were present only in leaves, and four components namely p-Isopropenylacetophenone, β-Cubebene, α-Zingiberene, Hexahydrofarnesyl acetone were present only in rhizomes with roots.
Conclusions. The component composition of the essential oil in the leaves and the rhizomes with roots of Angelica archangelica growing in Ukraine was investigated using the GS/MC method. We have defined for the first time the chemical composition of the essential oils of the leaves of Angelica archangelica, 23 components of essential oil were identified. In the rhizomes with roots, 15 components of essential oils were identified. The following pharmacologically important components, cis-Pinane and α-Farnesene, were found in both samples of the essential oil of Angelica archangelica in significant quantities. These results have been cross-analyzed and are particularly important for planning and defining the process of cultivation and use of this species plant in traditional and official medicine
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Copyright (c) 2024 Liudmyla Slobodianiuk, Liliia Budniak, Svitlana Marchyshyn, Inna Sakhatska, Olena Hlushchenko, Nataliia Horlachuk, Ihor Tverdokhlib

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