Study of phenolic compounds of umbellate wintergreen herb and their influence on biochemical indicators of blood and urine in the rat model of chronic kidney disease




Chimaphila umbellata (L.), phenolic compounds, antioxidant effect, chronic kidney disease, neuroprotective effect


Diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract are a common problem in people of all ages. Kidneys filter blood, removing water-soluble waste from the body, maintain water-salt balance, stabilize blood pressure and PH level. Intoxication, hypothermia, injuries and other causes lead to problems with the kidneys - inflammatory disease, urolithiasis, etc. Therefore, the development of effective herbal remedies that affect the etiopathogenic factors of diseases is urgent.

The aim. Study of the profile of phenolic compounds of umbellate wintergreen, study of antioxidant and nephroprotective properties of umbellate wintergreen extract on the model of chromate-induced renal failure (chronic kidney disease) in rats.

Materials and methods. Phenolic compounds were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) using a Waters e2695 Alliance HPLC system in combination with a 2998 PDA detector (Waters, Milford, MA, USA).

Study of in vitro antioxidant activity by HPLC method for 50 % extract of umbellate wintergreen herb. A Waters 2695 chromatograph (Waters, USA) equipped with a Waters 996 diode-matrix detector was used.

To determine the nephroprotective effect, 60 outbred sexually mature rats (males), divided into six groups, were studied. Based on the results of biochemical studies, creatinine clearance and urea clearance were calculated in experimental animals.

Results. 8 phenolic compounds - apigenin, hyperoside, quercitrin, rutin, quercetin, gallic acid, guaiaverine and isoquercetin - were identified and quantified in umbellate wintergreen by HPLC. Based on the results of a preliminary assessment of the antioxidant contribution of individual phenolic compounds to the overall effectiveness of the umbellate wintergreen grass extract, a significant effect of caffeic acid derivatives and quercetin was determined.

The use of Chimaphila umbellata extract in experimental animals was marked by the normalization of diuresis, a decrease in the total protein content of urine by 1.8 times. The effect of the use of umbellate wintergreen extract was expected to be dose dependent.

Conclusions. The profile of umbellate wintergreen phenolic compounds was investigated by HPLC, and their antioxidant effect was determined. In the conditions of the development of renal failure in rats, the studied extract of Chimaphila umbellata improved the physical condition of the animals, reduced their mortality, improved the excretory function of the kidneys, normalized nitrogen and protein metabolism, contributed to the protection of the structure of the kidney tissue, and therefore had a positive effect on the course of nephropathy

Author Biographies

Oleksiy Kovregin, National University of Pharmacy

PhD Student

Department of Clinical Pharmacology

Institute for Advanced Training of Pharmacy Specialists

Dmytro Lytkin, National University of Pharmacy


Educational and Scientific Institute of Applied Pharmacy

Olha Mykhailenko, National University of Pharmacy; UCL School of Pharmacy

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Clinical Pharmacology

Visiting Researcher

Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy Group

Liudas Ivanauskas, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences

Doctor of Biomedical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department

Department of Analytical and Toxicological Chemistry

Tetiana Yudkevych, National University of Pharmacy

Deputy Director for Research

Educational and Scientific Institute of Applied Pharmacy

Inna Vladymyrova, National University of Pharmacy

Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor

Department of Clinical Pharmacology

Institute for Advanced Training of Pharmacy Specialists

Larisa Khodak, Kharkiv National Medical University

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor

Department of Infectious and Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Parasitology, Phthisiology and Pulmonology

Volodymyr Starikov, Kharkiv National Medical University

Doctor of Medical Science, Professor, Head of Department

Department of Oncology


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Study of phenolic compounds of umbellate wintergreen herb and their influence on biochemical indicators of blood and urine in the rat model of chronic kidney disease




How to Cite

Kovregin, O., Lytkin, D., Mykhailenko, O., Ivanauskas, L., Yudkevych, T., Vladymyrova, I., Khodak, L., & Starikov, V. (2024). Study of phenolic compounds of umbellate wintergreen herb and their influence on biochemical indicators of blood and urine in the rat model of chronic kidney disease. ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science, (4 (50), 44–52.



Pharmaceutical Science