Microencapsulation for the delivery of terazosin hydrochloride: design, development, and characterization





Terazosin, sustained release, microparticles, HPLC method, Validation, Kolliwax, Zeta potential


The aim of the work. Terazosin HCL, which is a selective alpha-1 antagonist, has been recommended for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia-related medical conditions, including hypertension and urinary tract disorders. The purpose of this research was to create microparticles that would have a prolonged release of terazosin hydrochloride (TZ). However, TZ is a medicine that is readily soluble and has a high capability of dissolving in water.

Materials and methods. A validated HPLC method was established to assess TZ. The TZ microparticles were produced using the process of melt dispersion by utilising cetyl palmitate (CP), myristic acid (MA), Glycerol monostearate 4055 (type II) or Kolliwax® GMS II (GMS), polyethylene glycol 400 (PEG 400) as a plasticizer, and tween 80 as a stabilizing agent. Different formulations of TZ microparticles were evaluated with regard to particle size, zeta potential, and release, and morphological scanning was performed.

Results. A zeta potential that falls between -22.9 and -29.4 mV is possessed by TZ microparticles. Furthermore, the size of TZ microparticles falls between 2.11 and 5.60 µm, and the polydispersity index (PDI) was between 0.24 to 0.41. In addition, the formula (F4) that included CP, GMS, PEG 400, and Tween 80 in the proportions of 0.8:0.2:1:0.5 had the highest zeta potential (ZP) and dissolved more than 85 % of TZ after 8 hours. Therefore, F4 was chosen for the purpose of conducting morphological research.

Conclusion. Employing the use of CP, GMS, PEG 400, and Tween 80 in a ratio of 0.8:0.2:1:0.5 could result in the generation of microparticles of TZ that are the most acceptable

Author Biographies

Asmaa Abdelaziz Mohamed, Al-Zahraa University for Women

PhD of Pharmaceutics

Department of pharmaceutics

College of Pharmacy

Hiba Ezzat Hamed, Al-Nisour University College

PhD of Pharmaceutics

Department of Pharmacy

Mustafa AL-Mishlab, Al-Manara College for Medical Sciences

Master of Pharmaceutics

Department of Pharmacy


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Microencapsulation for the delivery of terazosin hydrochloride: design, development, and characterization




How to Cite

Mohamed, A. A., Hamed, H. E., & AL-Mishlab, M. (2024). Microencapsulation for the delivery of terazosin hydrochloride: design, development, and characterization. ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science, (4 (50), 53–59. https://doi.org/10.15587/2519-4852.2024.310813



Pharmaceutical Science