Modern approaches to typologization and modeling in the health technology assessment
public administration, health care system, health technology assessment, modeling, classification and typologization, typology, type (model, sample)Abstract
The aim: to develop a typology of the current management systems for health technology assessment (HTA) based on the identification of typological features in order to scientifically and practically substantiate a typological model that combines the most stable properties and can be implemented in a variety of modifications, taking into account the dynamic development of the health care system (HCS).
Materials and methods: The study used scientific publications, official information from the websites of national or regional bodies/agencies, international organizations on HTA, reports, databases and official documents of the World Health Organization (WHO). The research used the following methods: the system analysis, content analysis, institutional analysis, structural-functional analysis, generalization, comparison, systematization, classification, synthesis, typology, and modeling. To conduct a typological analysis, 34 countries were selected in which the HTA has been implemented in the decision-making process for the use and financing of medical technologies (MTs).
Research results. An institutional analysis of national HTA systems was conducted. The status of HTA in the national health care systems of the selected countries and, in particular, the role of HTA in the decision-making process regarding the use of certain MTs were studied. The author analyzes the institutional capacity of the HTA system (availability of a special authorized body, level of centralization/decentralization, financing, regulatory framework and human resources). The functionality and areas of activity of HTA bodies (organizations), the level of accountability, openness and interaction with various stakeholders are analyzed. The systematization and generalization of foreign experience made it possible to conduct a typological analysis by characteristic features). Four types of HTA management systems are identified (starting, centralized, decentralized, and balanced).
Conclusions: The study identifies and analyzes the areas of activity of the bodies/organizations in most countries of the world that carry out HTA in terms of their mission, vision and functionality, as well as assesses the level of their openness and interaction with various stakeholders. The scientific generalization and systematization of modern approaches and models of HTA systems made it possible to typologize them on the basis of certain characteristic classification features
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