Current state assessment of pharmaceutical care implementation in Ukraine




pharmaceutical care, medicines, over the counter medicines, continuous professional development, pharmaceutical service


At the modern stage of the pharmacy development, there were significant changes in the positioning of the pharmacist’s role in the health care system. It has contributed to the development of pharmaceutical care (PC) and its implementation in Ukrainian pharmaceutical practice.

The aim of the work is to investigate and evaluate the current state of implementation of PC in common pharmacy of Ukraine, as well as identify the key issues in its practical implementation and possible ways to improve the national PC system.

Materials and methods: for the estimation of PC quality a survey of pharmacists in 280 chemist shops in 10 regions of Ukraine was conducted. The evaluation of the survey results was carried out using statistical methods.

Research results. It was established that most of the pharmacies serves 100 – 500 people per day, and 43 % of pharmacies keep track of regular visitors. The overall quality of PC in most cases (71 %) was unsatisfactory. The highest quality of PC was during the OTC-drugs selling (51 % - high, medium and low, 49 % - unsatisfactory), and the quality of the PC of prescription drugs and diagnostic services in most pharmacies was unsatisfactory. The assessment of the success of quality assurance factors implementation has shown that it is low or unsatisfactory. The continuous education assessment showed that in 71 % of pharmacies more than 50 % of pharmacists studied PC during graduation in the universities, but the proportion of cadres who studied PC in postgraduate education, is less than 50 %.

Conclusions. The focus of the domestic PC system on the prevalence of care during the OTC-drugs selling and its practical absence in prescription drugs selling and the provision of diagnostic services is a significant obstacle to ensuring the overall PC quality. It has shown the need to develop new theoretical models and methodological approaches for the PC quality implementation

Author Biographies

Olena Shуlkina, State Enterprise "State Expert Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine" Vasylkivska str., 14, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03040

Head of Department

Department of Quality of Medical Care and Information Technologies

Viktoriia Dobrova, National University of Pharmacy Pushkinska str., 27, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002

Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor

Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy


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How to Cite

Shуlkina O., & Dobrova, V. (2018). Current state assessment of pharmaceutical care implementation in Ukraine. ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science, (2 (12), 17–25.



Pharmaceutical Science