Analysis of the dynamics of expenditures on pharmaceutical support of population in Ukraine, Belarus republic and in European Union
health care, health care spending, spending for pharmaceutical provision of population, the system of pharmaceutical provision of the population, pharmaceutical aidAbstract
Aim: comparative analysis the dynamics of changes in the indices of expenditures (%) on pharmaceutical provision of population from total health expenditure at the macroeconomic level in Ukraine, the Republic of Belarus (RB) and the countries of the European Union (EU).
Materials and methods. The studies used data from the World Health Organization and its Regional Office for Europe, as well as data from the legislative and regulatory framework regulating medical and pharmaceutical activities in Ukraine, the Republic of Belarus and the EU. Historical, analytical-comparative, systemic, logical, graphic, mathematical-statistical methods of scientific search and knowledge were used.
Results. It has been established that in the group of reference countries, the expenditures indicator (%) for the pharmaceutical provision of the population from the total spending on health during the period of 1990-2015 fluctuated in a wide range of values. The largest range of values was typical for Belarus (from 3.2 % in 1992 to 29.8 % in 2015), and the smallest for the EU countries (from 16.7 % in 2011 to 18.8 % according to 2003 data). Analyzing the dynamics of changes in this indicator, it was established that there was a tendency towards its decline across the EU and Ukraine, while in Belarus, on the contrary, it was increasing. Thus, in 2015, this indicator increased by 2.5 times, compared with the base data in the 1990 analysis. By the average value in order of magnitude of the indicator that was analyzed, the reference countries were located as follows: Ukraine (10.82 %); RB (14.87 %); EU countries (17.88 %).
Conclusions. A significant fluctuation in the values of expenditures (%) allocated for pharmaceutical provision of the population in total health expenditures in the group of countries that were studied was established. In addition, the unstable nature of changes in the indicator that was analyzed in Belarus indicates the need for further research in this direction
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