Development of the composition of a dermatological product in the form of a cream with extracts of the aerial part of lespedeza bicolor
aerial part of Lespedeza bicolor, phenolic compounds, dermatological cream, Lespedeza bicolor extracts, anti-inflammatory activity, drug technologyAbstract
The aim of the work: Justification of the composition of emulsion cream with extracts of Lespedeza bicolor.
Materials and methods: In the development of the emulsion base of the cream, corn oil (Ukraine), propylene glycol (Germany), purified water, emulsifiers: xyliance (France), prolipid 141 (USA) and lamecrem (France) were used. The composition of the emulsion base included oil and liquid alcohol extract of the above-ground part of Lespedeza bicolor, which were obtained from the above-ground part of Lespedeza bicolor, harvested in the Botanical Garden of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (Lviv, Ukraine) in the flowering phase. The studies used physicochemical (pH value, identification and quantitative content of BAS), pharmacotechnological (thermo- and colloidal stability, structural-mechanical properties and disperse analysis) research methods. The anti-inflammatory activity of the experimental samples was studied on a burn wound model in outbred sexually mature male rats. The following medicines were used as comparison drugs: Panthenol ointment, “Hemofarm”, AD, Serbia, series 138CLA and Calendula ointment, LLC “Pavlova Pharmacy”, Ukraine, series 23.0823.
Results. Experimental studies of the organoleptic, physicochemical and structural-mechanical properties of samples of emulsion bases showed their dependence on the concentration of the oil phase, the composition and concentration of complex emulsifiers xyliance, prolipid 141 and lamecrem. It was established that the emulsion base of the cream, which contains 15 % corn oil, 7 % of the complex emulsifier xyliance, 5 % propylene glycol and water purified to 100, has satisfactory structural-mechanical properties, the necessary dispersion and homogeneous distribution of particles of the oil phase in the aqueous dispersion medium, withstands the test for thermal and colloidal stability and can be used to develop a dermatological cream with Lespedeza extracts. It was shown that the introduction of extracts into the composition of the developed base does not affect the stability, structural-mechanical properties of the base and the content of BAS. Studies of the anti-inflammatory activity of a cream with a complex of biologically active compounds of the oily and alcoholic extracts of the terrestrial part of Lespedeza bicolor on a burn wound model showed a reduction in signs of inflammation without signs of the joining of an infectious process in laboratory animals with wound healing on the 26th day of the study.
Conclusions. The composition of the cream with oil and alcohol extract of Lespedeza, which, due to the BAS complex, has a wider spectrum of pharmacological activity, has been experimentally substantiated. The composition of the emulsion base of the cream with corn oil, xyliance emulsifier, propylene glycol and purified water has been developed. It has been shown that the introduction of extracts into the composition of the developed base does not affect its pharmacotechnological properties, and the quantitative content of biologically active compounds in the cream corresponds to their content in the extracts in terms of the concentration of extracts in SDF, which is a confirmation of the compatibility of BAS with excipients. It has been established that the cream containing the BAS complex of Lespedeza bicolor in terms of anti-inflammatory activity is at the level of the comparison preparations Panthenol ointment and Calendula ointment
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How to Cite
Copyright (c) 2025 Kate Kiselyova, Tetiana Yudkevych, Liubov Bodnar, Mariia Skybitska, Liliia Vyshnevska, Tetiana Yudkevych, Liudas Ivanauskas, Olha Mykhailenko, Oleksandr Kukhtenko, Victoriya Georgiyants

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