Research on the development of the composition of complex action dental films with calcium hydroxyapatite




dental films, hydroxyapatite, hyperesthesia, dental diseases, metronidazole, chlorhexidine


The aim. Development of the composition of dental films for remineralization, treatment and prevention of dental hyperesthesia, prevention of the formation of microbial biofilms, elimination of pathogenic microflora.

Methods. Determination of crystallographic characteristics, uniformity of particle distribution and their ability to aggregation was carried out by microscopy, viscosity – by rotational viscometer, pH-potentiometrically. The tensile strength of the films, the ability to stretch and lengthen, the strength of the bioadhesive bond were investigated by a texture analyzer, the thickness of the films – by calipers. Antimicrobial activity was determined by the disk-diffusion method and by the effectiveness of antimicrobial preservatives.

Results. The choice of CHA concentration (10 %) was based on the analysis of literature sources. Structural-mechanical and organoleptic studies established the feasibility of using a combined system with the inclusion of purified water, glycerin and macrogol 400. The study of sedimentation and aggregation stability of the samples showed a uniform distribution of particles in samples from PVA, HEC, HPC. Films from Sodium Alginate, PVP, Na-CMC and HPMC were excluded from the work due to unsatisfactory properties. Structural-mechanical and physico-chemical properties allowed us to choose 5 % PVA as the film former, and 4 % glycerin as the plasticizer. The concentrations of API (metronidazole and chlorhexidine) were selected based on antimicrobial activity and preservative effect.

Conclusions. As APIs, CHA – a remineralizing, anti-caries agent, metronidazole and chlorhexidine – antimicrobial components were selected. The introduction of CHA is rational in a complex dispersion medium, metronidazole as a suspension with glycerin, chlorhexidine as a 20 % solution. The composition of the film base was substantiated. The concentrations of metronidazole and chlorhexidine bigluconate were determined. The developed drug met the specifications of the MQC

Author Biographies

Kristina Kryva, National University of Pharmacy

PhD Student

Department of Industrial Technology of Medicines and Cosmetics

Yuliia Maslii, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences

PhD, Researcher

Department of Drug Technology and Social Pharmacy

Nataliia Herbina, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences

PhD, Junior Researcher

Department of Drug Technology and Social Pharmacy

Tetiana Ponomarenko, National University of Pharmacy

PhD, Assistant

Department of Industrial Technology of Medicines and Cosmetics

Olha Kaliuzhnaia, National University of Pharmacy

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Biotechnology

Olena Ruban, National University of Pharmacy

Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor, Head Department

Department of Industrial Technology of Medicines and Cosmetics


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Research on the development of the composition of complex action dental films with calcium hydroxyapatite




How to Cite

Kryva, K., Maslii, Y., Herbina, N., Ponomarenko, T., Kaliuzhnaia, O., Ruban, O., & Yevtifieieva, O. (2025). Research on the development of the composition of complex action dental films with calcium hydroxyapatite. ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science, (1 (53), 93–105.



Pharmaceutical Science