The study of antimicrobial properties of immobilized fibrous N,N-dichloro sulfonamides
immobilized fibrous N, N-dichloro sulfonamide, antibacterial and antifungal action, active chlorine, activation, dressing materialAbstract
Aim. Determination of the antibacterial and antifungal action of the fibrous forms of N,N-dichloro sulfonamides immobilized on styrene and divinylbenzene copolymer.
Materials and methods. The non-woven fibrous form of immobilized N,N-dichloro sulfonamide was used as an object for research. The active chlorine content in the sample was 16 %, thickness – 2.5 mm, surface density – 340 g/m2.
The material antibacterial and antifungal action was determined using modified “agar plate” method on the beef-extract agar (BEA). The main wound infection pathogens, e.g.: E. coli (АТСС 25922), S. aureus (АТСС 6538), and C. albicans (АТСС 10231) were used as microorganisms test cultures. Microbial load was 1х107 CFU/ml. Test samples of the material were placed on the non-jellied BEA (at +45 °С) trying agar to cover the sides of the samples. Then, we acted in accordance with the method of antibacterial and antifungal action determination by standard “agar plate” method.
Results and discussion. As a result of research, inhibition of the test organisms growth around prototypes of immobilized N,N-dichloro sulfonamide was observed: 12.0 mm – for E. coli; 30.0 mm – for S. aureus; and 40.0 mm – for C. albicans.
While comparing the obtained results for immobilized N,N-dichloro sulfonamide (II) with Sodium N-chloro sulfonamide (I), it should be noted, that zones of test microorganism strains growth inhibition for (II) were wider than for (I). The greatest zones increase was observed for C. albicans – 8 times, E. coli – 2 times, аnd S. aureus – 1.5 times. The obtained results can be explained by the fact, that in case of N,N-dichloro sulfonamide (II), when contacted with amino acids solutions and ammonium salts of the nutrient medium (BEA), the active chlorine release rate was higher, than for Sodium N-chloro sulfonamide (I), which led to antibacterial and antifungal action intensification of the material (II). Discovered high antibacterial and antifungal action of N,N-dichloro sulfonamide can be used for quick antimicrobial solutions and dressing prolonged action material preparation, which can protect wounds from infection during three or more days. Other areas of the material possible use are considered. Due to the (II) high activity against C. albicans, it is advisable to test it for treatment of skin diseases, caused by Candida genus fungi. The material can be also used under field conditions and in emergency situations for body antiseptic treatment, and for natural water disinfection for drinking and cooking.
Conclusion. Antibacterial and antifungal action of the non-woven form of N,N-dichloro sulfonamide (II) immobilized on the polypropylene fiber grafted with styrene and divinylbenzene copolymer are characterized by the high oxidizing and chlorinating ability, as well as its ability to become activated by ammonium salts solutions and amino acids of the nutrient medium. The index of the microorganisms growth inhibition for (II) was significantly higher than for (I), e.g.: for S. aureus – 30.0 mm (1.5 times), for E. coli – 12.0 mm (2 times), and for C. albicans – 40.0 mm (8 times). Results of research confirm the presence in the material (II) of high antimicrobial activity against test microorganism strains mentioned above
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Copyright (c) 2016 Владимир Николаевич Торопин, Константин Сергеевич Бурмистров, Елена Васильевна Сурмашева, Людмила Ивановна Романенко
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