Investigation of effect of sodium 2-(tetrazol[1,5-c]quinazolin-5-iltio)acetate (compound КВ-28) on the metabolic processes in organism during intensive exercise
actoprotector, intense exercise, Sodium 2-(tetrazol[1, 5-c]quinazolin-5-ylthio)acetate, 2-Ethylthiobenzymidazol hydrobromide, prooxidant-antioxidant processesAbstract
Implementation of intense exercise is accompanied by a number of metabolic changes in organism. One of them is the activation of free radical oxidation and reduction of antioxidant protection that is oxidative stress occurrence. To maintain high level of efficiency and utilization of by-products of metabolism, the use of actoprotectors is appropriate.
The aim of the given research was to investigate the effect of Sodium 2-(tetrazol[1,5-c]quinazolin-5-iltio)acetate (compound КВ-28) in the prooxidant-antioxidant processes in rats under conditions of intense exercise.
Materials and methods. To study metabolic processes in the liver of rats under conditions of intense exercise, the model of running in a treadmill was chosen. During 14 days, the rats were trained in the treadmill at tape speed 28 ± 1,0 m/min and angle 10°. On the 15th day of the experiment the animals were loaded by running (tape speed 42 m/min, the angle 10°) for 10 minutes and the biological material for biochemical research was taken. The influence of substances on the activity of prooxidant-antioxidant system was determined by the content in homogenate of liver glutathione and products that react with thiobarbituric acid.
Results. Daily injection of compound КВ-28 in rats organism under conditions of intense exercise helped to reduce by 23,0 % in liver homogenate the content of products that react with thiobarbituric acid, and increase the level of glutathione by 60,0 %, compared to control. This indicates the ability of the compound КВ-28 to normalize prooxidant-antioxidant processes, which is one of the factors limiting physical capacity.
Conclusion. Stabilization of the prooxidant-antioxidant processes under the compound КВ-28 action may be one of the mechanisms for implementation of its actoprotective and stress-protective actionReferences
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