


social exclusion, and socially excluded persons, young people, socially excluded young people.


Today in Ukraine people are quite acute experiencing different social, political and economic changes. One of the negative consequences of global and local crises in our country is the growth of social inequality and insecurity of the population. Therefore, social exclusion as the process applies to all layers of the population. But in this article we want to focus on the youth. Because young people are the fulcrum and the formation of the country. In connection with a variety of problems and needs of the modern world, young people are not always able to independently overcome their own difficulties. The article considers stages of formation of the process of social exclusion, comparing foreign and domestic establishment. Although the first attempts to identify the concept of "social exclusion" began in the 40s of the twentieth century, but the term 'exclusion' emerged in French sociology in the 60-ies of XX century, which was explained from the economic point of view. And in Ukraine, consideration of this concept was not defined until 2002 in the study of poverty. This indicates the imperfection and the relevance of the study of our state in this matter. Substantiated scientific approaches of domestic and foreign scientists to the definition of "social exclusion", "excluded person", "youth", "socially excluded youth". Determined by the eccentricity of providing definitions to the terms on the one hand, and pereplyunet opinions of scientists on the other. Primarily, this is due to the conditions, time and problems in the study of concepts. So, social exclusion – the exclusion of individuals or social groups the social structure of society and social processes, the creation of conditions that do not allow these individuals or groups play in society, a significant role (according to N. In. Thick, 2003); socially excluded person is the object of social work, which, through economic, political, religious, social, psychological and medical barriers completely or partially lost touch with society (actually the author's definition, 2017); youth are persons aged 14 to 28 years (in Ukraine, the official age of youth as of 2018); socially excluded young people as identical to the concept of socially excluded persons, but within 14-28 years. On the basis of research, we have proposed a classification of socially excluded young people over the biological, social and individual characteristics, which gives the opportunity to identify the factors and the ability to prevent the spread of this phenomenon.

Author Biography

Anna Savytska, Zhytomyr Economics and Humanities Institute of Higher Educational Institution University "Ukraine"

postgraduate student of the Department of Pedagogy of Zhytomyr State University named after Ivan Franko, assistant of the Department of Social Work Zhytomyr Economics and Humanities Institute of Higher Educational Institution University "Ukraine"


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How to Cite

Savytska, A. (2018). CLASSIFICATION OF SOCIALLY EXCLUSIVE YOUTH. Social Work and Education, 5(2), 44–51.

